I hate people

What the fuck is with people renigging on shit and trying to fuck me over? I must have sucker written on my forehead.

First I try to buy a wrx motor from someone and it took me over a month to get only bits of what I had paid for.

Then I had a painter come and give me an estimate who later asked for $200 for materials which I paid him and never saw him again.

then there is this guy who was A. going to help me find a motor when I originally blew mine, and B. going to swap in the motor once we found one. Well, when I starting having issues finding a motor to swap in he told me he couldn’t find one for me but would buy my impreza for 800 bucks… fuck that with a motor they sell for 6+ … they told me they could get me a stock motor for 1k. So I’m real pissed that hes fucking me around like this and I refuse to do business with him.

So now a few months later I can’t sell the car and I’ve bought a new one… he tells me he still wants it. We work out a deal for 2k+ a stock transmission with only 20k miles on it and no seats.

Well the car is partially dissembled so he gave me a $200 down payment to get me to put it all back together…

He was supposed to pick it up today and instead I get a call in the morning that his seats are no good and he wants me to include the seats. …well sure, for $150 more. So he says no, he doesn’t want the seats anymore but he’ll just come grab the wheels off it in exchange for his down payment. Fuck no

So I think it over and decide what the hell, I’ll finally get it out of my garage and someone else can move in to my garage for $150 a month, so whether he takes it with the seats or doesnt take it at all I’m out $150 either way.

So he shows up and doesn’t have a trailer or tow truck and is like, yea I’m not sure I still want it, I’ll just take the wheels… um, fuck no.

So yep, I have a guy that thinks hes going to get his money back but he’s not and I still have three cars I need sold ASAP.

Fuck everyone. I’m pissed.

Well this sounds like a shitty situation all together.

one of many


Blame them.

wow people really tried to take you for a ride, that sucks dude

yep, when it clicked in my head I was soooo pissed about him offering to buy the car

oh so he can get me a motor for 1k?

So we can’t find a motor…

So he wants to buy the shell…

wait a minute, that must mean that he found a motor…


YUP, but getting the wheels for his down payment is a bad deal also. For the jerking around In my book you lose your deposit

EDIT: what year is the wrx shell

People suck.

'00 2.5 RS

Give me a couple days to see if I can find you a motor through my business

that would be fantastic. Thanks.

not a problem my man not a problem at all

So now this guy calls me up and says he wants the car again. Which is great he can have it… but he’s pissed me off one too many times. I told him he can come pick up the car tomorrow but can’t have the seats per our original deal, he immediately says no deal and backs out. I say fine, hang up. 2 seconds later he calls back and says he wants to come get the wheels or his deposit. I told him I’m busy and I’ll call him back later. LOL

What a dickwad.

Anyway, I got my money back from the painter/scammer’s dad (awesome) and found a motor for 600 shipped to my door.

No refund … He sounds like a dickhead. Tell him "you gave the deposit as a down payment and u gave power of attorney to me… and give him my number. The reason for deposits is so you hold said vehicle and deposits are forgiven if the buyer changes his mind, unless agreed otherwise .

haha, I might just do that so I don’t have to talk to the guy. I’m sure he’ll flip shit. (not that I care)

Well I hope shit works out for you then. People still suck.

fuck him man, he had this coming.

Yo Mike,dont give that guy a dime.


He just called back and wants to work out a deal for the car… I texted him back:

M: Hey john, I busy at work today, whats up?

J: I wanted to see if we could work something out with the car?

M: Just the original deal, I’m not going to do anything other than that. I have someone else coming out to look at it this weekend so I’d have to know before then.

J: I have you a deposit and now you sold it out from under me? did you do the same thing to brandon? not the smartest thing to do.

(brandon is the friend who supplies motors… apparently he thought I aggreed to this guy’s price of 800 bucks a few months ago)

M: do you want it for the original deal or no?

J: call me when your gonna be at your garage.

M: as far as I’m concerned right now the car is yours. just tell me when youre going to come pick it up and i’ll get there.

J: original deal?

M:Or I can just sell you the wheels like you want, I don’t care. I don’t like going back and forth about it. Let me know what you want to do ASAP.

J: call me when your going to be at your garage.

M: I won’t have time to get there tonight, I’m working late. What are you thinking

J: we said 100 & my trans for your car with the wheels and no seats. Then I have you 200 to lock it and now your still having people look at it.

M:you told me last night that you didn’t want the car so I called the guy up and told him you backed out. So???

Now he just keeps calling. I can’t pickup and argue with the fucker, I’m at work. bah

I say give him an ultimatum. Tell him to decide by tomorrow if he’s taking the car or not and that his decision is FINAL. If he changes his mind after that, tough luck. Win win for you. If he take the car, awesome, its gone. If he doesn’t you keep his $200 (since a deposit is an agreement to purchase) and find someone else to buy it.