As a seller, am I wrong......

Am I wrong as a seller in this? Granted, we’re not talking a ton of money, but to me that’s not the point, it’s the meer principle involved.

Just sold a '90 Crx Dx rolling shell with some rear interior, motor and trans intact, solid car body wise.
Not a rot box or riced out at all, but it was torn down ready for sanding, primer and paint.
Car has been sitting, so when I tried it, it did not run but turns over. Thinking it to be a fuel/spark issue.
A member from a Crx specific group approached me a year ago about it, but contacted me again this year and seemed serious.
We exchanged PM’s throughout the last week or so negotiating along with questions and answers.
We negotiated price and came to an agreement of $850.
He was coming from approx 4hrs away, and I was an hour away from the car; he set the meet time (9am) and date.
He had my number, I had his, and had asked him to send me a text when he was about an hour away so I could start heading out to the location of the car.

I didn’t hear from him, but didn’t want to leave him waiting, so I made the drive and show up on time. 9am comes and goes. After asking him to text me, he PM’d via the forum about 8:25 telling me he was an about 1h 20mins out. I text him asking where he is, he gives me a location which is about 30 mins away still. Shows up an hour late with no communication, so I’m a bit irritated to begin with.
He looks over the car very well, I had all the parts that went with it boxed up and ready to go inside the car.
He drives 4hrs, keeps me waiting an hour (with the wife and kids in tow) and then decides he doesn’t want to adhere to the price we negotiated. He agreed that it was in much better condition than his current car, which he stated was rotten, and that the price we worked out was fair, but he didn’t feel the car met his expectations.

I told him to make an offer, he came back at me at half the price we had originally set on, which was a complete insult, especially since he stated the car was worth the $850 price we agreed upon after looking it over.
Not wanting to kill the deal, I kept my cool, and we negotiated close to 3/4 of our original agreed price.

While I understand I didn’t have to agree to a new price, he shouldn’t have made an offer and agreed on a price of a vehicle without actually seeing it if he wasn’t comfortable! Considering the vehicle was in the condition described, and, again, he agreed the original price was fair, this didn’t sit well with me.

Overall, very displeased with his demeanor and the fact that he wasted a fair amount of my time and my family’s time waiting without the courtesy of a phone call letting me know he wasn’t going to make our meeting time. I don’t think he intended on paying the agreed upon price and while we did eventually settle on a new price, the entire transaction left a sour taste in my mouth. I will not be doing business with him again nor do I consider him an upstanding, trustworthy, or reliable individual. He’s not a man of his word.

i think the only thing you’re wrong about is accepting less than the agreed upon price… if i had a deal done at $850 i might go $800 at best but maybe not… let the guy do 8 hours of driving and go home empty handed.

Well either way it’s gone now, all you can do is hope that he dies.

haha, thats great

I agree with this. The buyer is clearly a better negotiator than you are. He was not driving home empty handed on a $850 purchase unless it was a completely misrepresented.

Agreed. You kinda had him by the balls a little bit since he had 8 hours worth of drive time involved. He got the best of you.

Now do it for a living and tell me with a straight face that dealerships are shady, ha.

I would’ve told him to eat shit and left him holding the bag. He had the $850. He was just being a dick bag about it. I sold some wheels to a kid who showed up with “only $600” of the agreed upon $750. Told him to enjoy the ride back to wherever he came from. His buddy ponied up the other $150 as they were walking back to the car to leave. The kid had his friend hold the $150.

He took you. Shoulda told him to pissed off.

Guess it would be up to you. I would’ve sent him packing. If you agreed upon a price, then that’s the price he should’ve paid. If he wasn’t comfortable with agreeing on a price without seeing it in person, then he shouldn’t have agreed to one.

All you guys that are saying I should have sent him packing, I agree. On any other day, I would have simply walked away.
I’ve been slowly selling off all of my Crx stuff, getting older with other priorities, I couldn’t stand to let the car sit anymore. I don’t have the time or the funds to finish it, and with no covered place to store it, it was going to be harder to get rid of, which all of that is a tough pill to swallow. I also did some math, $600 is greater than $0…

Regardless of my situation with the car, it’s still shows poor character in my book, you made a deal you stick with it, unless of course the car was completely misrepresented, which it was not.
He started nitpicking over the smallest stuff, which I told him, “the pictures showed the condition, we spoke about it, what do you expect from a 25yr old econobox. For $800, we’re not talking about a prime mint and 100% complete example.”

You got out negotiated this is the reason when you sell shit to broke idiots on forums and craiglist add some
money to the price so when they try that you still get what you want.

You’re not in the wrong, but that’s the frustrations of dealing with a internet sale. Communication is key. I bet if he would of kept you in the loop start to finish on his travel plans, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. It’s really not about the money, it’s your economic value of time that took the hit.

But hayy, the car is gone! Move on from all that bullshit.

I had someone from out of state buying a motor from me. Agreed on a price before hand via text and then tried to give me 200 less without even mentioning it.
“Here’s what we agreed on”…
Tried saying that was the price we agreed on until I showed him the texts and then asks if I could take less and then if I could take at least 20 bucks off for the ATM fee.

People are shit.

I would have told him I’d rather set it on fire right in front of him than deal with his bullshit.

I wouldn’t feel too bad. As a neon enthusiast I’ve dealt with more broke assholes than anyone here. Live and learn.

Technically I shouldn’t have, we had already negotiated a price, but I get what you’re saying.

Seems like broke big talker Honda kids are the worse.
He wasn’t even a kid really, just a flat out douchbag asshole from Orange Co.

Ohh well. Selling off the rest of my Crx stuff, the car being the biggest and toughest to move.
Like I said, $600 is better than $0 and the fact of having the car set even longer.

I imagine you hit the nail on the head. If you were sitting on the car for that long you probably didn’t really care that much about loosing the 150. but sitting in the car with wife and kids for a couple hours would get my blood boiling. The communication break down is the biggest pain here in my opinion. When I sold my turbo SHO i was very clear that the price I listed was the bottom line. Sold with full disclosure he still tried to haggle me and I told him to walk. suddenly he had the money.

I usually don’t have the balls, but on one occasion I raised the price on a guy. Dude was an absolute fuckbag and I didn’t want to sell the item to him after how ridiculous he was acting and how difficult he made the transaction. Now that I think about it, that guy drove over from Canada, which is why I didn’t care. Tried to negotiate more off an already killer deal because he had to wait at the bridge and pay tolls, and I had told him beforehand that the price was firm and there would be no negotiating.

Anything I sell over about $100 to someone from the internet gets a thorough “firm” disclaimer before meeting.

For the few hundred you lost, I hope you learned a lesson.

Altho, if I had some shitty car taking up space in my yard, I would just be happy its gone.

Ouch :frowning:
I’ll miss the Crx, they are a fun car and I wish I had the time and money to devote to it.
I just dislike the fucktards that these cars attract!