Lets pull up a seat at the fireplace, it's time for a Quattro Krant story my friends

So a bit back I was selling a 2000 Nissan Maxima for $5995 with 65k miles, 1 owner, no accidents, great shape, new tires & brakes, super clean, etc etc.
I got a call from someone about the car from Jamestown, NY. He asked me the basics, how many miles, condition, etc etc. So I told him everything about the car and he asks me “What would you say to $4200 cash?” I replied with “Well, honestly, I’d tell you to go fuck yourself.” “I had to pay more for the car then that at auction.” It is also worth noting that I had just moved another car about 20 minutes before said phone call so I was already in a good mood.
He started to laugh when I told him that, saying ok, I understand. I then said “Well, I can see this is a waste of my time so I’m going to end the conversation right here.”
I then get a call on a Passat wagon from a person looking to trade in a 99 A4 wagon that he started the conversation with by saying “Oh, it needs a ton of stuff, has 179K miles on it, won’t pass inspection, etc etc.” Great I think. All of a sudden the Passat person says that they are getting another call and they will call me back.
So I see that I am getting another call and it is from the same number that called about my Maxima a minute ago

“Hello this is Richard.”

“DUDE, I’M SO SORRY!” “I was looking at the wrong ad, I thought I was calling on a car for $5K not $5995.”

“Thats cool, no worries.”

“I’ve got $XXXX, would that work?”

I think for a second

“Yeah, I’d love to get it out of my warehouse as I can always use the room.”

So he tells me that he is leaving his house, has the cash, and he’ll be at my place in an hour ish.

He then calls me back and asks if I can take a credit card for the car as he can’t get all the $ out of his bank or something. I tell him I can’t and he then tells me that he is going to look at some other cars at home online so when he comes up from Jamestown it is not to just look at one car. Thats cool I tell him thinking I will most likely never hear from him again.

Next day rolls around-Saturday.

“I called you yesterday about the Maxima-I’m leaving my house right now in Jamestown, I’ll be there in an hour and a half.”

“Cool, I’ll be here.”

I run to my warehouse, grab a dealer plate, get the car ready and wait. Hour and a half comes and goes, then 2 hours, then 3, nothing. I figured that he was just pulling my dick due to me telling him to fuck off yesterday. So I move my Saturday 3pm back thinking he is late due to weather but he never shows.


Monday morning. I’m getting ready to start my errands for the day and I’m on the phone. I see a car driving up and down the street, pulling into a few different places. Then, my cell rings.

“Hey, this is so and so, I called you about the Maxima.”

“Yeah, hey, hows it going?”

“I’m out front right now, I’d like to see the car.”

So I go out and meet them. I hear his one buddy say quietly “Thats the guy that told him to fuck off.”

We all had a good laugh, told him I wasn’t trying to be a dick, just wanted them to realize I can’t take $1800 off a $6000 car.

Now, the gents in question. The one guy, his buddy, had a neck piece, nuckles done up, etc etc. The buyer was also tattooed. They turned out to be the NICEST, most polite people I’ve ever dealt with. They kept calling me sir and I told them “Your 2 years younger then me, no need for sir.”

So, he buys the car from the person who told him to go fuck himself two days ago!!! I told them that they caught me just right as I was about to run out for the day. Pretty gutsy move to drive up in snow not knowing if I was going to be here or not.

“Well, we kind of blew you off the other day so we figured that you’d just think we weren’t coming if we told you again we were.”

So I deliver the car to Jamestown to his apt. His mother is there and she asks, “Is this THE guy who told you to fuck yourself?” She was laughing and told me how it was the funniest thing she had heard. I was a folk hero to her and everyone else he told the story to.

I explained to her I wasn’t trying to be a prick, it just came out. The buyer told me it took a TON of nerve for him to call me back but he figured that he would have said the same thing if the roles were reversed. He was super appreciative that I delivered the car and I was so appreciative that he bought it I dropped it off with a full tank which in that car was 15.xx gallons or over $50.

So, I told someone to get the hell out of here once as their offer was an insult and told someone to go fuck themselves once and I sold both the cars on each occasion.

This story is true and has not been embellished in any way, shape, or form.

I told some of my fellow dealers this story-they said I should re-name my company to F U Motors:LOL:LOL:LOL:LOL. Don’t like a price, FUCK YOU!!!

If any people in sales need some pointers/tips/techniques, I’m here to help.

And that boys and girls, is your Quattro Krant story for Sunday, Feb 13th, 2011.

HA, Richard your stories never let me down.


“You wanna get fingered, or you wanna get fucked”


I love happy endings :kiss:

:tup: reminds me of this


I was seriously crying watching that video clip, tears running down my cheeks.

Awesome :tup:

Lol nicely done p-rick

That could be your fucking commercial, no doubt.

So I thought I clicked on viper’s rear ended thread.
So I kept waiting for you to say how tragically you got rear ended, or something dramatic happens.
Then I get to the end and I’m like… wtf?.. Oh.