
Yeah So I helped a Fellow NYSpeeder out about a Year ago and this guy WONT pay me back for it and I’m looking for suggestions.

See He was going to court for something and if he didn’t have $300. In his hands he was going to jail. So as a Good guy I am I lent it to him with the agreement that he would give it back ASAP Or come Tax time. Well Year now later and He Ignores me and won’t give it back. Over the winter he had gotten a Paint job and Bodywork done to his car, and come spring He gotten a New set of rims and tires. So of course I question him about it and I get “It was Owed to me, so I didn’t pay anything for it” Likely story huh? I didn’t even know of this at first until a good friend of mine told me about this stuff. I never EVER did this guy wrong and like normal once I lend money out, it shows true friendship out of everyone. So it now has come to I want to civil charges against him, but he has moved outta state from what I understand.

Anyone know what I should do? I’m in a bind here and REALLY need the cash! Today’s my son’s 9th birthday and I had to sit here and pretty much hold my tears in cause I wasn’t able to afford to get him ANYTHING cause I had bills and Shutoff notices that needed to be paid. And with even some of that I could have given him something. Plus I have car insurance due and my last payment on his bed set is due.

Being he’s outta state now, Anyone know If I file a Suit against him and if he don’t respond at least He will get a Warrant out for him “Payback is a Bitch sometimes, but I desprit” Plus My fat azz sister owes me $300, But she’s the only one working in her family and has two kids and I WON’T take food outta they’re mouth’s so I’m kind of letting that one slide.

Thanks for any help in advance

what the fuck. who is it. we’ll get it.


I even sent him this message and Got no reply.

I called you and you just keep ignoring me! Tony just tell me truthfully that you have NO intentions on paying me and just stop dicking me in the ass about it! I’ve let this slid for how long now? You have money for gas, Insurance, Food, so-on and So-on. You cant even pay me $5.00 a week? So what is it???

And everytime he does get contacted it’s one excuse after another. He try’s to play mr. good guy and I’m just done with the excuses.

Did you guys sign a contract???

newman we could combine our powers and go get the money back…

Nope, Its one of those “Its a Good friend so I trust him deal”, However a Verbal deal still stands in court. But as you can see this Good friend turned out to be a User, Cause Ever since I lent it to him, He was very hard to get in touch with since then.

haha, hmmmm… vigilante justice?

it always bums me out when i see posts like this…

without anything in writing, there isnt much (or anything) you can do legally.


I am very fucking thankful for my friends.
And always pay them back. (thesXekid has helpt me out more time than I can count.)

yeah I know sometimes Verbal deals sometimes get into court but dont know if this would. Just bites my ass cause he knows and a few others do that I’m on disabilty and I Make very Little money, Work only part time and Have two kids and a wife that depend on what I get. HE KNOWS THIS and still has no concerns about it.

I know the feeling, someone on here owes me $900. I think I’ll get it back someday, he did just get fucked out of a lot of $$$ by our boss. But you see what happens when you’re a nice guy and don’t let your friends get kicked out of their apartments and thrown out of school? :violin2:

I’m sure this guy will pay you back fighting mike… and soon

although its not as bad as someone saying he’ll pay 3500 bucks for a car.
gives you 1500 to take the lien off a title, so he can register the car. then sell the one he is driving and give you the other 2000 dollars… oh yea then he doesn’t answer his phone, refuses that he owes you… <3 verbal agreements, and best friends

I’m sure we could beat/steal 300 worth out of him :wink: er, i mean, for the sake of plausible deniability, uh, boy, that’s too bad, wish we could help :smiley:

Spend less time posting about it, and more time dishing out an ass whoopin’.

I’ll goto the looney bin. I don’t give a fuck. lets get MrFliGSR.

dont trust anyone, especially random people off the internet, with any large sum of owed money.

dont have the cash? then you dont have what im selling.

that… sounds paid off to me… 1500 + 2000 = 3500?

^^ nope, what i think he mean is the guy gave him 1500, but never came through on the final 2K OUCH! that is a good chunk of change!

God luck Man, if there is anything i can do to help out any facet of the situation just ask. You have always seemed like you have your head straighter than most.

wow, Imagin that, I wake up this morning and I have two text messages from who else? Well here’s a message to you tony “Since your to low to explain yourself” Don’t send me herassing messages saying I’m the one who stole your rims and that I’m smarter than that" All that does is Build my case against you in court. Plus that also ='s herrassment charges against you. I’m not risking myself going to jail over a stupid set of Integra rims when I have a Ford. And it’s also funny to me that You IGNORE all my efforts to reach you but then I make you public and you come out from hiding. All I want is my money back! And I AM to the point of pressing charges against you for it. You have money, and REFUSE to pay me anything. So this is your VERY LAST CHANCE. I am going to Cheektowaga Courts today and Mailing you a Suit form. you have about a month from that to pay me or you MUST answer it in court. If I get it before that, Then charges will be dropped by me. If not then you made you bed!

Again, It’s funny that your here reading this and wont make a reply but your imature enough to send text messages at 1:30 in the morning! THEY ARE SAVED and I am requesting ALL messages between you and I to be sent to me from my phone company. This way You have no way Out of this in court. So the ball is in your court, All you need to do is the right thing. I gave you that money 3 hours after You asked for it. that was July of 2005, IIts now Sept of 2006. Its not fair to ask for something from someone who has NOTHING and not have any intentions on paying them back!

PAY HIM BACK! WTF he helped your dumb ass out.