So let's work it out! /thread.


There’s nothing unless you have a written agreement.

Somebody owed me money over the summer, they called me to pay me, then told me to fuck off to my face so I bounced his face off the curb and I got arrested, so don’t do that.


tell him you want something of his to hold until he pays you.


So if he tells you he’s not gonna pay what do you do?

If there is no written/notorized agreement or if you don’t have any collateral of his then he probably doesnt care about paying you unless hes a friend of yours.

Edit: Live and learn.


What do you plan on doing if he tells you hes not gonna pay or give you collateral??



Sourced from:

So it’s not just me thats gotten the runaround. I think it really sucks that it had to come to me doing this type of shit but enough is enough. I’ve been way too nice and laxed about this.

When it comes to hindering my build being delayed I get pretty pissy pretty fucking quick.

Find out where he is at the moment. Meet him. Ask how much he has and take that.

Best way rather then wait for him to have the entire $100 … which wont happen because he is a broke fuck.

I intend on doing so tomorrow.

Oh and Love the sig, I live by that :smiley:

I here you i am waiting for a sertain member to pay me the 170 bucks that he owed me for the last 2 years.

Hope you get it back, And i will call you today to drop the cherry picker.

I make it a point to never do any business deals with people where $100 will make or break their wallet. Just saying…I’m sure you’re realizing that now though…

Once i loan out money i consider it gone…Don’t loan out money you can’t afford to lose, most of the time you won’t see the cash comming back.

have a sister or mom thats hot? take it out in collateral in them?

Pay someone $50 to hit him in the knee with a bat. At least you will get half the money back

Why do people sell stuff on here without getting the money or borrow money without a contract or collateral?
No offense to you, your not the first and not the last.

Lesson: dont help fucktards…or anyone for that matter

well… then make him pay it another way :snky:

edit: with some interest