What should I do about getting money?

So I sold a car to Slopoke back on Halloween…and he has only given me a fraction of what he owes. I have mader several attempts to get my money, and he has shown zero effort in getting me the cash. I’m really upset about how I did this kid a favor, in giving him the title to the car to register it, since he needed something to drive real bad, and he completely took advantage of the situation. I was also nice enough to pay a ticket for him, which he could not afford to pay. I’m kicking myself in the ass for doing this. This will be the last time I am nice to somebody in trusting them with something like this. I recently learned that they are moving to Atlanta. As far as I know, it takes money to do that, my money. I seen him a month ago, and he told me he would have the money in 2 weeks. It’s been 4 weeks, and he hasn’t even called me. I tried calling, and I get forwarded to voicemail. I think this is a load of crap. Cal, pay up dude! I didn’t wanna make a post about this, but this gone on long enough.

shitty :tdown:


get it sunday!



wow that is really fucking low.

wow, that sucks. Good luck

Your too much of a nice guy…by the way Justin can I borrow $100, jk but I would atleast get the car back so I can buy it from you at a discounted price ofcourse :slight_smile:

Cal’s got the title in his name. Heh…he bitched he needed a car to drive, yet it just sits in his driveway now, never moves an inch. I even gave him a part off of my car, to borrow until he bought one of his own. WTF give it back to me or something.

Give him a few more days.
Do you have anymore proof that he didn’t pay you? Can you get authorities involved?
If all else fails, pay the car a visit, with a hammer,baseball bat, ect.

He’s moving in less then a week. I don’t think he plans on taking the car with him. I would be just as happy, to get the car back from him, instead of getting the money back. This way, he won’t have to worry about paying me cash he can’t seem to find…and he won’t have to worry about finding a buyer for the car. I will see him at the Going-Away party @ Bellevue.

go get 'em.

use a taser

isnt that car fucked up? i thought this car was payed off i heart cal but he needs to clear this up as justin is a good friend to him and dont leave him hanging like that. justin buisness is buisness friendship is friendship.always get chit in writing. the car was registered to you before right? then cal would have to show proof in court he bought the car wouldnt he?

cal. ill give you 300 bucks for the car right now

wait, isnt it a starquest?? if so, ill buy it off you cheap since i have 2 spare drivelines

and thats pretty fucked up on slopokes part, justin is a nice dude, always willing to help people out, so slopoke you should def get in contact with him and clear this up man

I’m trying to get this car back from him.

Fucking DING! When you sell a vehicle you take cash in full, they take title and car. Transaction is a momentary event. How fucking hard is that? Why does that elude so many people on here?

Sucks that you didn’t get your money. I hope the lesson didn’t cost you a lot.

Oh and just so you know, if he has the title and you signed it… You don’t own the car anymore. If you take it back you are stealing the car. He owns it, not you.

he is just trying to settle by taking the car back, in his name, seeing sploke dont drive and and he is moving. i dont think he will be stealing the car lol