payment question

ok so i want to sell my car and this person im gonna sell it to is about a thousand short and he wants to make payments to me and from what i no of this person he is a good person but still i would want to get something in paper saying that he owes me this much and will pay me said amount each month what would i do to do this

Give him the car and the keys, have him make payments. If he fucks up, you’ve still got the title (and a copy of the keys). Problem solved.


Give him the car and the keys, have him make payments. If he fucks up, you’ve still got the title (and a copy of the keys). Problem solved.


i was gonna say the same thing, just cover your ass on this one

he wont be able to register it with out the title though

he’ll have the car but wont be able to drive it untill he fully pays.

good point would it be unreasonable to charge interest because if he got a loan from a bank he would pay it anyway

dude… dont take payments… dont give him the car until it’s paid for… not a good idea… tell him you will sell it to someone else if that’s the case… see if he comes up with it

about a thousand short…

or, you could phrase that as:

‘i don’t have enough money to buy your car’ and find someone who does

You could put a lien on the title. just write up an agreement, and file lien paperwork with dmv when its registered. If you have a lien he cant sell it till you release the lien

^^^ a car can be sold with a lien on it, its just that the lein is still in effect no matter who owns the car

it could be sold 30 times in a row, and the lein is still valid until paperwork is submitted proving the lein is paid, and the lein holder can take it from any one of those 30 owners at any time if he so pleases



Dont do this, very bad if it back fires.

take collateral,Say i want your ps2 psp,bike,girlfriend and your cat until its paid off.Give him back something every time he pays you





You’re not going to get that thousand bucks, just so you know. There’s a reason why he’s asking you for a loan and not a bank like any financially responsible person would.

dont sell it you fuck


And one last word: No.

Agreed , DO NOT give him the car until he has the rest of it, just put it in writing that you will hold the car for XX days and upon getting the amount that is the difference he then can get ownership. You never know if shit can go shady , odds are it could and more then likely will. This isnt like borrowing 20 bucks to a friend

He should get a cash advance on his credfit card if he needs it now that bad. If his finances are such that he doesn’t have the credit for that, do YOU want to advance him credit?


This isnt like borrowing 20 bucks to a friend


lending :wink: