So let's work it out! /thread.

You’ll learn soon that no matter how good of a friend someone is, when there is money involved everyone is different.

Fuck his mom.

someone on here owes me $90 (or $75, depending on the version of events you follow)

i drank with him often, and often drank his liquor, when caught i always said i was taking some of the interest on the $ owed, lol

i got hammered a bunch of times for free because of that deal :slight_smile:

cliffs: best way to get paid back is to find ways that dont directly involve $



money up front.


Do what i do. :slight_smile: 1- Ask him for the money…If he says he doesnt have it, 2- punch him between the nose and mouth area and walk away. Come back again after your fist feels better, and REPEAT STEPS 1-2 until he gives you the money.

Trust me…works everytime :slight_smile:


consider it a good financial lesson, write it off, and you know you can’t trust him. also stealing his crap or hitting him, a lawyer and court fees, and even a record are not worth 100


You just got a $100 dollar lesson: Don’t lend people money.

You won’t get it back.

Taking whatever is in their pockets when they least expect it is easily the best way to get your money back.

Although it’s only $100, so just feel lucky that you learned this life lesson with a small amount of cash.

This is true and that said person owes me money too. I know I’ll never see it but it happens to the best of us. I guesse this is what we get for being nice people…

fsdfc blah

no, i was talking about joe, but yea, you know the deal w/ ^^^^^^ too …

Forgive and forget…You cant help it hes a low life

imagine if it was $1000! Like what everybody already said, one day ask him how much he has on him and take it there and be done with it.

When I was younger I loaned out money alot, never got shit back…


small claims court!

ahahahaha even tho it costs like 27$

nah just pay a crack head 5$ to punch him in the face everytime he leaves his house for like a week straight.


Small court = ±$27.00
Net Return = $73.00 ($100.00-$27.00)
7 x 5 = $35.00

error404:Logic Not Found


If we could only go back in time. Id give your mother $100.00 to abort you

ask for smaller amounts? Say " hey,shoot me a few bucks here and there that way i don’t have to hold it over your head"

if he doesn’t, THEN kick his ass.