So let's work it out! /thread.

I got the $2k lesson.

AND the kid died after avoiding me for months.

me ~~~> :hitit:

/lesson learned

if and when you finally get the money go to the JCC and grab a bunch of flyers or pamphlets and load up his mailbox/front door with them

or 1500 :frowning:

fucking kick him in the sack or tape him to a chair and shoot him with a paintball gun until he gives you the money


I will do it for a 100

lol thread close?

Um don’t let people borrow money regardless of the situation or how close you are.

I let me brother borrow $1200 last January as he was in a pinch, was told I’d see it a month or 2 later. Well now its a year later and he still hasn’t paid a cent on it.

sex is good

^^ agreed.

or you could get a harassment charge

Nah thread close

how would it cost him anything if u harass him at work, he calls the cops, and they come to arrest you?

it would cost YOU a lot of money if something like that happens

all taken care of. close.

you cant get arrested for that. you make it sound like hes going after him with a gun. if the cops showed up, id simply tell them whats up, if the kid lies to the cops, then he needs his ass kicked

thread close

im just trying to say dont make the same mistake i did

somebody owed me money, they called me to pay me, we met up and he told me to fuck off. I got pissed so I bounced his face off the concrete and got arrested in my apartment for a felony assault.

It cost me a lot of money (almost $2000) in lawyer and court fees to get everything dropped, but the judge deducted what he owed me :lol:

edit: me and the kid are still friends though


done over with

yea I was gonna tow his shit but after I saw this I figured I don’t want to bother with somebody like that