So let's work it out! /thread.

its done overwith

its a live and learn lesson, i sold my boost controller to this “friend” who bought a cheap ass dsm. i even installed it to him, told him yah you know next time we meet up no prob pay me then. the asshole drags it out for 4months, blows his motor and finally after another month of begging (saying im going to resort to put a brick thru his window) he gives it back to me… all for what, under $100? seriously dont loan anyone money-- itl end friendships lightning quick, same for families also.


depends on how you handle situations, and how you view money

My best friend stole about $2000 from me, and my brother stole $5000 from me. My best friend paid me back about $400 and I told him not to even worry about it, and he’s still my best friend. My brother never paid me a penny but has done a lot of favors for me. I never let money tear apart friends and families but more so learned lessons.

We got it all settled.
no harm.




Thank you for being a rational thinker.