buddy of mine wants a streetbike. to sum up a long story he said he will give me his car and 500 to cosign for him…kinda was thinking about it but then again i could get screwed. we were also going to get it notorized if he misses a payment i take the bike. i dont know just seeing what anyone else would do. i was just going to sell the car and pay some stuff off. im sure im going to get flammed but just wanna get others opinions.
Don’t do it. Having good credit may be more important now than it ever may be for the rest of your life. Don’t let someone else screw it up for you.
he totals the bike and doesn’t want to pay anymore… do you want a totaled bike and the bill for new one?
i say pass. nothing good can result from it
Only if you can afford to pay for it.
But trust me, I got screwed the same way, I would never do it again.
Nope, my sisters husband was stupid enough to do this and got completely screwed over by the kid…they were good friends at the time of the transaction…but shit happens…
Edit: I can’t even comprehend how people could ever think it would be a good idea AT ALL.
You’re an idiot for even considering it. Now when you tell him no (assuming you’re smart enough to, which I seriously fucking doubt), he’ll be all pissy. Way to ruin your friendship, fucknugget.
all i was seeing is a get a car and money out of it plus i would be able to afford the bike if somthing happen. and i wasnt thinking to much on doing it just wanted to see if anyone ever did somthing like this…not worried about ruining a friendship with him. but ya i thought more on it and not going to do it. no trying to hurt my credit at all
theres obviously a reason he cant get approved on his own… he probably missed payments in the past on credit and will probalby do it in the future as well