
ok so i want to get a bike befor summer and get into rideing. buti dont just have 5,ooo cash or alot of money so is there anyone on here selling a cheap bike who would take payments any ideas on what to do. any bike really just something that runss and nothing bigger then a 600 thanks dominic

I can get you a sweet deal on a Roadmaster.


It’s called save your money and re-visit this when you have some cash to spend.

no way saving money sucks, some one should do what he wants and sell him a bike and then collect payments every week, because there is nothing like trying to find some one that owes you money every week.

is this kid a tard?

Like everyone hasnt learned from failvis’ past mistakes. Get a loan is going to be your best bet I couldnt imagine someone taking payments from someone they dont know. Shit i wouldnt even do it for most people I know but Ive been burned before so who knows

yeah im with john on this one

payments from a friend? Thats what banks are for

i cant take a loan out i asked
and isnt there ways of haveing the person keep the title to the bike tell its payed off?

Dude. Save up, buy it yourself.

No, if the title is in someone’s name how would YOU be able to also claim ownership and furthermore, register the motorcycle in YOUR name?

why are you even wasting your time bino the kid it stupid

Yea dom, either take out a loan or save up .Haahah no ones gonna take weekly payments on a bike you owe mad money on.Plus its a huge liabilty if you wreak it and you never even paid it off … What would you do then? ya no

The bank saying no is there way of politely telling you you cand afford it or dont have the credit background for a loan. Your best bet is to save up build credit and try again later. After the necessary gear, equipment and insurance its going to be costly adventure

LOL i read the first part of your post and was like W T F didnt realize it was sarcastic :smiley:

to be honest, if you cant take a loan out, because the bank says no, then you probably are not in a situation to be having a loan right now, and thats real talk !

get some little credit cards, and a cell phone, wait till next summer to buy a good bike, this summer buy a bullshit bike for 1200 bucks, and if your not dead by next year take a loan out for a used bike… dont buy new IMO, but then again some people will tell u dont buy used… so whatever !

+1 on that… i was trying to save up for a decent bike then i realized that it was unrealistic because i didnt feel like having to make sacrifices on the quality of important stuff like riding gear and of course then theirs insurance

Get a cosigner for a loan