Near Randoms : Asking to borrow money

You guys ever get this shit?

I literally just had a phone call from a local business owner (non-automotive) call me on my cell and at work asking to lend him or help him get money to pay his rent… how the fuck do you do that? i’m a customer of his… maybe 4 times in the last 8 months.

Also once had the older brother of a close friend ask me to lend him some money for his wedding… i said i would over the phone because i assumed he had spoken to his brother (my friend) and was referred… then i asked him how much he wanted… $2,000… WTF??? i had met him ONCE at this time… $50, sure… $2K are you fucking mad?

I avoided the guy and found out he had a bit of a wrap sheet on unpaid loans…

I guess desparate times call for desparate measures though.

Yeah, i say always leave the money lending to people who can correctly analyze the risk and reward.

The business one is definitely bizarre.

Yeah when people think you have money, they come out of the wood work.

I don’t borrow money unless it’s from my parents. I don’t even feel comfortable doing that.

For some reason people think bartender also means loan officer I’ve never understood that.

I had a kid who worked for us a while ago (was let go; unreliable) who was also a friend of my Dad’s son call me up randomly and ask me for some money to get him though the week… I told him sorry but I don’t lend money to anyone. He died like a month later in an accident.

The last time I lent someone cash it was $800 and I didn’t get it back for 4 years, but I at least got it back.

I’ll lend a few dollars to my close friends but that’s it.

how’d the kid die?

other than that, i’d totally help out someone i cared about… but random business owner? dude i met once that happens to be related to a friend… Fuuuu

You can sorta tell when they have no intention of paying you back either…

on a similar note, i have 2 friends who met through me… one fronted $1k to the other for some gear and never paid it back… so much for that 3 way friendship… 4 years later and it’s still not settled despite several promises.

if its like lunch or something i don’t mind. I don’t even care if i get it back. I had an employee ask me to lend him money once. Which honestly I might consider with the right employee. However this kid was an alcoholic and I am pretty sure he would of just bought beer.

It’s pretty easy to tell that those ppl will not pay you back

  1. obviously they asked close friends, and got NO as the answer
  2. they are shameless enough to just go around asking acquaintances for large sums of money…they’ve clearly done this before

stop walking around like a baller bing…then people will stop asking you for money.

yeah, you know, raggidy-ass S13’s that leak oil all over the place is the modern definition of ballin.

I will lend people I dont like up to $50 to never have to see them again. You know they’re gonna avoid you from then on out, might be worth it.

I really hate lending to friends, when you never get it back or have to ask for it without sounding like a douche. When I borrow from friends I always try to pay it back within a day or two, except for a couple times that i’ve legitimately forgot and was embarassed that they even had to ask.

Take it as a compliment that someone is asking to borrow money from you. I would be worried when people start offering you money.

I would love to however no real way to enforce the return of your money. Sadly money can do a lot and it’s easy to lose friends and screw anyone over. If I was to loan anyone money it would be on contracts with me holding a direct asset of theirs.

Still not recommended though.

“this year alone 2 dozen new cousins”

I want to know where all these people get people to back them for businesses that always fail. I have probably the best track record most will ever see and can’t find a penny anywhere. That’s with putting paid off properties up for collateral as well. Drives me nuts. no bankruptcies, judgements, etc either

The kid who asked me died in a car accident.

Newman was offered money the other day. And he was asked if he was hungry and wanted food, lol.

If you’re going to lend a good amount of money to someone, might as well do it right and make a little intrest too :tup:

Richard Branson borrowed money from his grandmother (or mother, I can’t remember) to start Virgin Records so he took the idea and made it so those who want to lend money can do it almost like a bank.

Anytime you loan money to someone you can write up a contract with stipulations and even interest if you agree upon it, signatures and multiple copies and any court will uphold it as long as the person was not incompetent or drunk etc…

edit: but then you have to waste your time going to court to get it back

Well Newman does look like he has missed a few meals in his time. I could totally see that…the money, I’m not so sure about. That might be a grey area.