$$, Groupies, and Jealous Envy aka How Does Money Change A Person?

thanks homie!

im about the same as you , but thankfully i still have my kids …and your man enough to support them :thumbup…on a side note cossey i dont know ya i thought ya got the porshe before said lawsuit or whatever so i wasnt tryin to be cool for a whatever reason .i dont think ya thought that but remeber ill still help ya out when i can "as long as ya dont care if i leave stains on you cars:lol

not that it matters but here is my input.

Ive heard of cossey as he has been part of the scene for some time. Do i know him well ? no. Do I hangout with him? no but we exchange some hellos at the lot or w/e

as far as money goes. It can be a gift and a curse. Im like many other kids my age, live at home, go to school ect ect. I work 40 hours a week to pay for my toys. Am I rich ? deff not. Im also not on the verge of welfare. However I will say that I am lucky enough to have a good family and good friends. thats one thing money cannot replace.


:wierd homo

+1. It’s really all you ever need in life.

And one more thing I’ve noticed:

EVERYONE is a financial advisor when it’s not their money.

hey, my only advice back when you first got it was to GO GET a financial advisor :stuck_out_tongue:

Biggest thing Cossey can invest in is a tri-pod for when hes drunk, so he doesnt fuck his shit up/get dirty(which hookers frown upon) :rofl

I don’t come from any type of good wealth and money, but me and my family are very close, and i’d take that over money anyday

fuck you people…gimme da moniez

:lol jk jk :hug

:+1 I’ve seen changes in SOME people that I know, only some.

Good to hear :thumbup

BTW: Laser can hurt like a bitch :lol

cossey is there anything that could be done to help get some of you sight back in that one eye or no?

Good to read all the posts on here. Original intent was just to get people thinking about just how much money changes things. I had noticed people talking about it in other threads so I thought I’d start a new one so things didn’t go WAY off topic.

Having said that, I’m a believer that in the end, it’s your money or your life. What I mean by “life” is the meaningful relationships you have with family, friends, etc, and your own time do what brings you happiness.

A lot of people who try to generate the $$ and enjoy success will just keep at it, and keep pushing for more. I have no problem with this, I mean, to an extent I am trying to do the same thing. But when you do get more, and find yourself even busier trying to get it, you also start to want more things. Maybe that is because, as part of human nature, you feel you now “deserve” the great things this world bombards us with in the media, television, etc.

Basically lifestyle tends to ramp up with income, not to mention the keeping up with the Joneses type of thing. It’s not unavoidable, there are ways to prevent it, but even the most grounded person can change after being exposed to executive benefits, flying first class, country club memberships.

In some industries / fields, this type of thing is really prevalent and it’s almost a necessity that you go buy a luxury vehicle or else “what will clients think” and have a golf membership, blah blah blah…

I’m thankful the place I work for isn’t like that, but I can see how this would put a lot of pressure on someone who was prudent and financially grounded to begin with.

So, in this situation, a person ends up even busier than before, buying more stuff because he/she now has the means to do it. But the time part suffers, because suddenly you feel like life has become so complex. So, the money starts to overtake the life portion, and where do you really draw the line?

It comes down to focusing what you want to spend money on, and then just staying strong to say “no, thanks” to all the other BS.

I don’t have much money, but I already have trouble with this sometimes. It’s nice to have little side projects and everything, but lately I feel like I need to improve my focus and just simplify $hit. I can’t even imagine what it would be like if I had X$ to spend and play with.

My personal feeling is someone up there knows I’m not ready to have “extra money” and may not be ready for it in this lifetime.

What I do know is that as long as the “life” portion of the equation is going well and the relationships that I do have around me continue to be strong, then I really need to stop worrying about the monetary thing and just stay focused on what I do have at the moment.

You really can’t take it with you, so many times I have to ask myself- do I really need to get it in the first place?

“You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give.”

-Winston Churchill

No. They have been developing and testing a ‘bionic’ eye so to speak. It’s totally electronic but it works with your optic nerve and such to translate what the eye sees to what your brain sees… So there is a small bit of hope in the next 10 years.

damn, you can always hope.
You’d look like the terminator!!

or Cano from Mortal Kombat FTW

Now im no optrician but I highly doubt a Bionic eye would make Cossey look like this…


There was something on the Discovery Channel about this awhile back. Some lady who was completely blind in both her eyes, had this device hooked up and it wasnt a clear as day picture but it emmited light surrounding objects… Kind of like sonar I guess… but visualy…

Cossey, how is your depth perception and stuff like that? I always wanted to ask but never did, I know for an hour or two when i was a little younger as an experament for school I covered one eye, and sometimes its very hard to determine the distance of things.

Thou after living with it for some time I’m sure your brain/eye has adapted to the change?