salary caps wouldnt be punishing the people who work for a living.
Im titred of paying the government to bail out fucking companies because the over pay and over bonus their fat cats and paying ridiculous taxes to the state so it can pay its political fat cats to sit around and literally do nothing. Cut back on their fucking wages and put the money back into the pockets of the people who really work.
I do sell appliances, I sell them 6 days a week and I am here in my office 6 days a week learning about appliances and serving the customers who come in and call. i dont take company money and time to go on golf trips. i dont sacrifice customer money and appliances and cut back on service or make fraudlent claims so I can have a bigger bonus at the end of the year.
I’m not talking about small business, Im talking about all the places that recieved bailouts and bull shit like that. How amny of those places still have huge over salaried employess sitting at desks jerking themselves off all day and then taking end of the year bonus’ that are more than I make in a 5 years. So now they are not just burying themsleves they are burying me. The banks jack their rates take the aid and jakc the taxes so now I am paying double the penalty to pay some lazy faggots over inflated salary. yeah that right im completely out of my mind
don’t be DUMB. The simple fix for this is not to have bailed anyone out. This never should have happened. The companies that made those mistakes would not be around any longer and thus the problem wouldn’t exist. If you make rules to cater to douchebags, you’re only going to get more douchebags.