We are the 53%

This one I can get behind.


It’s a tough world out there…with work and responsibilities and all.


This whole menatality that the 99%ers are lazy scum is pretty ridiculous…of course all you’ll see in the media is the bad apples of the group, however many of the supporters have jobs, have served this country, and are well educated.

Why is it that 47% of americans don’t pay federal taxes? This numer must be including children right?

Nope. If you choose to take part in a protest that has no goal or purpose then you’re an idiot. If you want “corporate greed” to end you’re an idiot.

I couldn’t imagine not having a job and spending time standing around doing nothing, much less holding up a sign blaming someone else for my lack of employment.

What if they offered to pay you $100 a day just to sit there?

I think they mean when you receive your w2. If you get a return or not, correct?

but if you’re earnings are below a certain number you don’t have to claim (legally). I don’t know that number off hand.

I hope you guys don’t vote. READ! Understanding this stuff is really important because the media is too busy filling your head with BS that the top 1% are the problem.


“You want to occupy something? Occupy a job.”

Lol!!! YES. I hate the OWS movement but I agree with this one. I pay a shit ton of taxes (33%) because I have nothing to write off. Debating adopting a few children to start taking deductions.

Nope, people that don’t pay income tax.


If you’re looking at the % that pays no income or payroll taxes, it’s only 13.4%

I am entertained at America tho. We now have a movement that is against another movement. The rich 1% are probably watching and shouting “Dance puppets dance!”

I am the 47%

^^^ what is your secret?

I’m just here to look pretty.

I was unsure. Taxes are taken from my paychecks, but I get a return in Jan. Am I part of the 47% freeloaders?

We went back to school. We earned degrees. We got jobs.

That’s no longer how it works. Now replace “We got jobs” with “We applied for hundreds of jobs with no callbacks because there are experienced people willing to take entry-level work, so we’re on unemployment or slinging fries.”

Liberal arts degrees aren’t really a major selling point. Anyone I know who worked hard in a big school, focused on their career and continually tried to make connections, and worked on a valid degree to make themselves needed by companies all don’t have jobs, they have careers. The people who barley got by, didn’t really care, and expected to make $70,000 because some study told them they would be making that when they got out of school are the ones living at home “slinging fries”.

only if you get 100% of your income tax back.

Here’s a breakdown of the numbers from 2006. Breaks it down by state too.

For example.
Someone in college or just out of high school working a low paying job that isn’t claimed as someone else’s dependent isn’t likely to have any income tax liability.

A single/divorced mother of 2 making 35 grand a year could conceivably have 0 or negative income tax liability. They’d still have Soc Sec and medicare(payroll tax) liability.

A retiree that’s living solely off of Social security would potentially have 0 income and payroll tax tax liability.