Asshole's at the occoupy wallstreet protests



lol, awesome


I bet that girl in the purple would hop in

no shes a hipster, that Ferrari is too mainstream for her.

Maybe if he drove an eva GT

I like the way that nobody even pays them any mind.


I hope more people drive their exotics around those douchebags.


Sweeeeeeeeet ride. I think it moved.

Yes! I’d pull up every day and roast off a set of tires at them every day if I could afford it.

Then get away with it because your cousin/brother/uncle is a corrupt nyc cop

I love how everyone hates the protesters when unless you have a net worth of over $5 million or you make at least like $200,000 a year, they’re fighting for your interests.

Get with the program.

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If i had the time to get down there, i would be there.

I find it hilarious how nobody fucks with the armed tea-party rallys. Yet the corrupt NYCPD uses tear gas and riot gear on harmless LEGAL civilians.

The media doesn’t cover it too, Funny how that shit works…


You have no idea what you are talking about or what any of our opinions are.

That’s because no one cares about a bunch of whining trust fund college kids, unemployed people, hipster douches and other “useful idiots” that are being used to advance an agenda.



I hope your not being serious…

That chick is hot but she’s a model pretending to be a hipster seeing as that photo came from a clothing line.

As I said before, when it first started the core if the occupy thing was in the right place. Bailouts for giant financial corporations who only got in the mess by chasing short term stock gains were bullshit. Bullshit the the n’th power when those corporations took the bailout money and still gave the rich guys who made the horrible business decisions bonuses and golden parachutes.

That said, the majority involved now have nothing to do with that ideal. It’s a lot of idiots who are there “because it’s cool”, combined with the backing of big labor and hollywood. The message of the small percentage who actually know why they are there is being drowned out by the hipsters shitting in a park while getting drunk.