GT-R for $13,000 ?

there are people selling a 09 GTR for $13,000
there are 8 ads with the same description, so i assume they are the same person.
the price went from 22g down to 13g
and no one has bought it.
anyone know anything about this ?

Are you serious…stop wasting space

lmao try it… and tell me how u get scamed.

Could be a down payment offer lol.

mensa much?

Maybe it’s at the bottom of a lake? $13,000 to get it out and it’s yours to keep?

G.T.F.O dont waste your time bro. like seriously ? (-.-)

lol it was a good laugh when i saw it
it had multiple ads too

i actually put those ads up, yup its legit and for sale,
reason its so cheap is that i have left the country and am in afghanistan fighting for canada
so i must sell it
just send me a deposit of $1000.00USD to
and my agent will ship you the car, and if you like it keep it and send the rest of the money, if not i will ship it back and refund u 100%
i promise you this car is mint.
This is in no way a scam


yea, its not a scam!

haha how are you going to recover the cost to ship the car here. Doesn’t make sense.

There was this one guy who was selling a 300zx tt for 2500 and said he was in spain, lol the guys like his uncle works in some shipping thing so he can get it to canada for free. jokes:p

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha fail !

come on guys its MINT he promised he also said its not a SCAM so it cant be

come on guy
obviously a scam


but on a side note, this definatly seems legit, comon guys its 2009! Nobody scams ppl anymore,

FAIL. point finale esti -.- !

my gtr is still for sale, please send the deposit via paypal to the account i stated above.
ppl this is NOT a scam. no joke. stop hating

or we can do a bank transfer
just pm me your bank account info.

ahahaha that’s the best ever! I’m gonna start using that from now on. :slight_smile:

LOLZ! I like that, cool if it’d be made into a GIF.