$130k GT-R

So anyways I’m not one to really speak up too often when it’s unnecessary but I was cruising trader.ca checking out amazing prices on G35’s when I thought I’d check out if there were any 2009 GT-R’s up. I saw that there was 2, one for $130k and the other for a mere $100k. It blew my mind that someone would be asking for $40,000 over MSRP (when you can buy an R8 for that). So I had to be a voice and state in an email that it was greedy to ask such an amount for what I believe is the pinnacle of sports supercars - to which I received and idiotic, uneducated, unintelligent voicemail regarding the GT-R. This salesman though he would tell me all about how there’s a waiting list, that it’s a rare car, and to come and seek him out when I have $130 thousand dollars, moreover that the price on the car is relative, non-greedy, and essentially realistic, and his use of sarcasm was absolutely brutal lol. If I’m out of line for calling this guy a greedy bastard some please tell me, otherwise this guy should be tarred and feathered for trying to exploit the best sports car to date.

ya he is just trying to exploite the popularity, what a douche,

As much as I don’t agree with the $130k price…it’s all about supply and demand. Aren’t they all sold out?

And just wondering, are you even in the market for a GTR or are you just being a cock block to the salesman?

who fucking cares

some people might say that selling a 240 for 4k is an absolute rip off. i mean, the blue book is what, like 2k? thats DOUBLE what its worth. and yet people pay that all day long.

who cares.

The R8 is amazing, but hey, I’d take a GT-R over it anyday.

Good luck getting an R8 without a mark up at any dealership.

When my dad took in his A4 for it’s check up, for shits and giggles, his buddy at the dealer haven’t been selling any for under 190k. He said it’s not even a problem either, because if you can afford to drop around 160k for one w/o mark up, a fully loaded honda civic on top of that price isn’t going to scare you away from an R8.

Fuck the waiting list for them…omg don’t even ask

They are all sold out - but I heard that you can buy them for the MSRP in some places (I can’t remember the exact details) - I simply couldn’t go unheard with this douchebag.

I’l be honest I’m not in the market - if I had a respective downpayment and maybe didn’t like to do things like travel and party and be social in general then maybe on my wage I’d consider it, but I definitely can’t do that when guys like this are trying to make an easy buck.

x2 welcome to the real world

agreed - I honestly don’t care - I’m not buying one - but this salesman was so mad - it was a hilarious voicemail

You gave him your number to call you back? lol…

of course - he’s just a salesman - I doubt he’s also a ninja

^ Never know.

Keep your doors locked, and hide your marshmellow’s.

I enjoyed the read, work must have been boring lol

ew an r8 over a r35…

says you. the car is ugly, overweight, over complicated and fragile. did i say it was ugly already?


ouch, and the GT-R takes the haymaker

Supply and Demand, just like Mark said.

For sure - if the dude had’ve said that he would’ve sounded somewhat like less of a complete moron - he ended it by saying “thanks for your waste of time email, when you have 129,000 in your bank account come on down and waste my time” - does that even make sense?

lol, yes^