GTR Wagon

Its a Nissan Stagea Wagon with a GTR front end… Honestly its done really clean, but why? lol

Ugly as fuck but the craftsmanship looks good

the nissan stagea WC-34 came with an rb26dett :lol

aka the “skyline wagon”. the new stageas come with vq35hr’s, i believe.

Well that thing is hideous on its own and I like wagons

hate all you want :lol

The Rear

you are all idiots, that wagon is awesome, the older ones with the conversions are just as nice. they all look good.

hey, im on your side :cry:

oh dear :excited

Looks cool

Now this is a cool looking wagon:


This ones pretty sweet too:

paul gtfo

nothing you post can top how sweet this is:

and the interior in the new stageas is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet

the Buick is on a road course

so? i can put an altima ser on a road course and that doesnt make it any less shitty :smiley:

Ive always liked the old wagons.

Leather interiors do nothing for me. I dont like leather.

what do you like? :lol

cloth. Easy to clean, doesnt get hot or cold and doesnt need constant attention

whatever floats your boat

I remember my dad’s '81 Reliant had vinyl seats and it was hot as fuck in the summer so we put towels on the seats when we wore shorts. I dont think that car had ac or it was broken if it did.