Gumball 3000 pictures

Anyone shoot any pics of these guys?

This morning I led a couple french guys in a Renault Megane convertible from downtown Niagara Falls to the Queenston lewiston bridge, sickkk. Got a couple pics also. They were all parked at the Skylon tower parking lot, but most were gone by the time i checked it out.

They were all in Downtown Toronto last night. We went there, tons of videos and pictures.

The Murcielago LP670 almost burned my face with the heat coming out his exhaust when he was revving !!

I got some pics of the cars when they were at shannonville. Here you go guys.

This ferrari had a nice dent in his rim.

And here is a few shots or Peter and a few other cars that were drifting.

That should be pretty much all the cars that were there. I have most pics of every car from different angels but too many pics to post. I hope you guys like the pics.


Nice pics… Are the gumball cars all stock exotics or done up???

Yea they’re all pretty much stock. Most of those guys cant drive just have the money to buy those cars. Some people lapped and they didnt drive that good from what i’ve seen. The only guy that really pushed his car was the guy with the white GT3 RS. The rest like the Lambo and the SLR just kept spinning out.

i saw the lambo spinning out a couple of times. the gt3 rs was killing it and that one silvia in the pictures was loud as hell one of the best sounding cars there.

Nice pics dood, I don’t have many, just a couple from my cell phone that I guess I can post.

chromed out gallardo from saudi

Here are my vids. Not the BEST quality, but got some amazing shots of some nice cars revving the piss out of them

You mean this guy, ?

Yea that’s the guy. Wow I cant believe he got arrested that’s so stupid man. Even on the way back from shannonville every kilometer there was a cop car on the side just waiting and they pulled over half the cars that came to shannonville. They ruined everybody’s good time.

I shot some of them there. Just starting out so bunch of my pics turned out garbage.