Gun safe

Anyone trying to ditch one?

If not I will probably just pick up a cheap 5 gun safe from walmart

dick had a decent sale on a 14 gun last week for like 189 and I know there is like 5 forsale on NY fire arms. central tractor has some deals on some big ass ones now and then to.
Unless you need fire resistance or what not this guy is a solid dude and offers great prices on his used stuff. A bit of a drive but he may be delivering some guns to Buffalo for me. I could perhaps broker something for you.

gander mountain has some sick deals on safes right now. i just got a $3300 41 gun safe for $1440.

they are liberty safes, but they will deal on any safe with gander mountains name on the safe. thats well over 50%off.
store manager said he just wants them gone at cost to get the 2011s in.

good luck lol

Might be able to even use the 20% off coupon on it.

On sale this week for $250.00 starting the 14th-17th
