Gun Guys, What next?

I’m in the itch to buy something new again. I may sink some cash into the fun ones I have now.
I have
.50 black powder
12 ga
and some other randoms.

I was thinking about a Benelli M2.
I don’t like the pistol grip shotguns much. alltho the .410 is very fun.
Any other Ideas?

A gun safe?

5 children to play with them?

gun prices are high right now

Have two

I know everything is up now. But if I get an idea for something different then I can search and see how everything is.

The GSG is getting a nice scope set up
.243 might get something different.

Its either a Benelli or a bigger rifle

Saiga 12 with 10 round magazine.

Nothing like an AK style 12 gauge shotgun.

right now i’m looking at ar15 carbines. cheapest i’m finding them now is 800.00’s i need to find a local gun show coming soon.

next one is in cheektowaga in january/february time

Good luck with that, Gun prices were absolutely out of control at the show in April here.

Buy several lowers, then build them how ever you want as time goes buy.

Hell even the Saiga pricing is blown way up.

I can not believe just how bad it is but it will get worse seeing manufactures are very scared to up production as they do not want to be stuck with a shit ton of inventory after the new AWB gets pushed though.

A GSG5 is actually next on my list if I can find one after Christmas.

can some one post up when the next show is when it gets closer i want to buy a gun and i was told a show is the best way to do it

Spend the money taking the pistol permit class and filing for your permit?

im looking to pick one of these up…possibly within the next 2 days.

I believe Gander Mtn is having a 30% off sale on guns this week only. Maybe check that out.

where is Gander Mtn ?

the only one i know of locally is out on Colvin blvd if i remember right.


I like that shot gun a lot! How much do those run?

Last time i looked theyre cheap. GC had them for under $400

My next pick-up will be a FN tac 12ga.

bmg .50 caliber, So much fun, with the scope setup i have now i can see lugnuts on the farmers tractor over 1/2 of a mile away.

Considering he’s prob not in Erie county, not a bad idea. I turned mine in to stupid APD in Feb, they haven’t even called any of my ref’s yet.

.308, 7mm Mag. .223, .30-06…or if you wanna go bigger go with a .300 winmag or a .338 winmag, but the .338 kicks hard as fuck!

I’m going to get my paperwork and sign up for the class on lunch today. Co-worked just got his permit and said it took 11 months. Many I hate Erie Co.

I think Amherst is longer than anyone else too as they’re more thorough with the local background checks. Shocker. At least the fingerprint guy, some sargeant, real cool guy, gave me a break on the fingerprint fee. He was like “With the way Farrell rapes you guys on stupid traffic fines, i refuse to have this department rob any more of your money than necessary.”