Do you need a permit for assault rifles?
How much do they run?
Do you need a permit for assault rifles?
How much do they run?
you can have that in NY?
i thought pistol grip + detach mags were a no-no for a shotgun
still waiting on my pistol permit, but looking to pick up a shotgun soonish.
Well, the wait sure isn’t going to get any shorter from what I just heard. :meh:
The Buffalo Gun Center had to add a 3rd day to their weekly permit classes. They used to do them Wed and Sat and have about 15 people. Now the classes were full and they had to add a Tue class. Good news is I’m signed up for the 12/9 class, 6pm to 9. So sometime in 2009 early 2010 I should finally have my permit.
if you don’t mind. How much are you paying?
If I remember right, that specific gun is $1100…then the 30% off, and my cousin works at Gander Mtn, so I think I’ll get another 15% on top of the 30% off.
my suggestion for an M4 is to get one with a removable sight rail to replace with optics.
AR 15 all the way… who doesnt need a semi- auto .223 round assault rifle?
“assault rifles” are illegal in NY.
The above guns are not deemed assault rifles unless they have to many “scary features” if they do they are illegal.
To answer your question in upstate NY you can own as many legal AR-15 and Ak type fire arms you want as long as they meet NY requirements.
Enjoy that .50cal while you can, the law on the table is an instant ban and has a part about turn in also for .50 cal rifles…
IF you are looking for info on NYS gun laws and are interested in Firearms check out Great group of guys for sure.
i love guns!
I’m really thinking about a .300 winmag also.
If I ever get out of work when the gun store is open to browse are night vision scope legal in NY?
DO WANT. any idea on cost?
Stock they look like the ones in the raac link, you have to do a conversion on them to look like the standard AK platform.
It goes by a point system: you can only have 2/3 (bayonet lug, detachable mag, pistol grip)
This is known as the A4 variant.
Buy an AFR lower and build one the way you want it. Its cheap and I have built many. It’ll take you an hour. Plus, you can save some money. Or sell it in a month and make a few hundred.
this thread has made me do a lot of home work.
I want an M4 but i know what they’re worth and i’m not going to pay the ridiculous prices. So then i sought out some more knowledge on it.
i’m thinking a DIY thread on hear of building one.
building can be tricky and sometimes can involve some gunsmithing
I may do a DIY thread on the GSG once everything gets here
I should suck it up and buy a .50 cal but I dont want my 3k+ gun invesment to get taken the fuck away
EDIT: UGH I want this.
It shoots so nice
What DIY did you do to your GSG5? After shooting my buddies they really interest me.
Since you can legally only buy semi automatic rifles, no you do not need a permit to my knowledge… it’s just a rifle.
Look it the fuck up if you’re serious.