So, this actually seems kind of queer but even if you dont “need” glasses you can get these, but if you wear glasses you can also get them in your prescription
Anyways, basically these are supposed to reduece strain on your eyes from staring at computer screens all day. I know I have an issue with eye strain as well thats all I do all day errday, look at a monitor. I guess their suppose to bend the light and block out certain spectrums of light that cause the muscles in hte back of your eyes to strain while trying to focus on a computer monitor. It is know for a fact that looking at computer monitors all day strains the hell out of your eyes, their not mean to look at something like a computer monitor thats ~24inches away from your face for hours on end.
I’m thinking about getting a pair, I know I suffer from eye strain, and I know i go through spurts where I get constant headaches from looking at a monitor. It’s kind of queer to wear glasses if you dont need them, and they are kind of tacky looking, but I think it might be worth trying… anyways figured id share with you nerds
I almost bought a subscription pair. It’s not just for gamers, although it’s the effects of staring at a computer screen/TV all day. I liked them when I used a friends at MLG Meadowlands a few years back.
I had trouble finding a place that sold them in prescription form though.
Being that I stare at monitors all day everyday, and I get really bad eye strain and headaches sometimes I think it might be worth a try, I peronsally think itll look stupid as hell but whatever, if im more comfortable then thats the price you pay
Theres that ITT Tech add where the chode has the yellow glasses on. Idk if I buy it, I do def get eye strain from the puter, but I doubt yellow glasses will save me from it.
They look pretty cool. I’m sure that there is more than just a yellow coating on these things. At least I hope there is. I’d imagine if they worked well enough it wouldn’t matter if you looked like a chode, lol. Only one way to find out though. I’m definitely interested in a set of these. Computer screens for 8+ are still a PITA.
Oh, no shit. I’m def going to order a set this week too. It’s worth a look for sure. I’ve been pretty surprised by some of the things that are out there, hopefully this is one of them!
I think I’m going to order them tonight. I’ll keep everyone up to. I do hope that they work well. I think I’d like to protect my eyes if I can given that I’m the network admin and all… Maybe they’ll let me expense them out… Hmmmm… :ponder
I’d like to, but I’m not rockin out 4+ hours to get some Rx glasses, lol I’m too lazy for that shit. Also, I have contacts too. Those will have to do until I can get out for the 200 dollar prescription jamz. sigh