guy hit with foul ball loses eye;jsessionid=5FD472C0A9380BC4BDEEFB487151F92F?contentId=7301729&version=7&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

every game people ask my window sellers " where is the best place to catch a foul ball" i think next home game i will simply tell the customer… “in the eye”

all joking aside i feel bad for the guy but it iritates the hell out of me when i go to a sporting event and i see people paying more attention to food, or their dumb ass conversation than they are the game. and honsetly… whats the point of having a child that small at a baseball game that they will not remember and secondly having the kid that close to potentialy dangerous line drives. HE ALSO BROKE A CARDINAL RULE… wait till the action has stopped to go back to your seat.

this also makes me bring up the handicapped seats at PNC Park… the ADA FORCES…FORCES MLB teams to be compliant and make accesible seats in all price ranges… so PNC park was built with wheelchair seats right on the rails on the 1st and 3rd base side…to be compliant and have accesible seats in the baseline boxes. the ADA are putting the people they are supposed to be looking out for in harms way because of their do-gooder actions. I hope i dont see the day when one of these kids with cerebral palsy gets drilled by a hot liner.

if you watch the video of this guy he’s also missing his left pinky finger… talk about bad luck.


sorry, but if i went to a Pirate game and actually paid attention to the “action”. i would instantly fall asleep and be in more danger of line drives than if i just ate my nachos and talked to the person next to me.

Yeah, if we had a half decent team, people wouldn’t be worried about hot dog shooting, t-shirt tosses, perogie races, and fireworks and people would actually watch the game.

Could be worse, a couple years back a little girl was killed by a puck at a Columbus Blue Jackets game, which is why they have the nets up now.

Crazy shit, gotta keep the eyes (or eye) open!


I like how he is pissed at the team. It’s not the team’s fault he got hit with a ball. It’s bad luck or bad timing on his part.

I bet he sues the team and gets a boatload of money for his own stupidity.

why go then, you can find nachos a lot cheaper somewhere else

well pittsburgh has proven that even when they win they can’t sell out. there were plenty of empty seat during the 90-92 run… even in the playoffs! They have to have all those gimicks to get people to come. also, why does everyone think they are owed a winner? you pay for a ticket and you are garenteed a baseball game… thats it. whats the old saying, you get what you pay for… comperable seats in Boston to our $27 infield boxes run for like $75-85. Its a catch 22 for the buccos. if they dont win they dont get people to come but you can’t win unless you have money to get players and you dont have money unless people come.

the pirates aren’t perfect by anymeans… trust me. I just hate the constant critism when people dont support them even when they have success. Win or Lose Cubs fans are there at wrigley and in every other ball park in the national league. if they pirates had a 1/10th of that support they would be much better off.

fuck the pirates and baseball in general.

i’ll drink to that.

what is the Pirates record this year? I could look it up, but that would take too much effort. :slight_smile:

19 games under .500

Sadly, that’s a good year for them :rofl:

its a mix of a lot of things that make the pirates bad. ownership that doesnt spend enough money, the structure of the sport, the lack of a salary cap, lack of support from fans, BAD LUCK…

is that the team that plays in washpaw