Guys calls off wedding, ex fiance rams cars and garage with escalade

you think your relationship was bad;f=8;t=025982;p=1


:rofl: that is crazy. Fuckin’ women!

crazy shit

I would’ve punched the shit out of her… Why the cars?



Juice wasn’t worth the sqeeze.

id kill the bitch

ya, there are certain times when you might have to beat a bitch’s ass.

I would never (no matter how mad I was) EVER do damage to a vehicle. Thats crossing the line.

I bet thats what my girl would do…

that single post made the years spent learning to read in school worth it

Exactly. Especially if your car is your pride and joy. I’d have Nancy-Kerringan’d that bitch.


yeah, I would have to straight knock the taste out her mouth for that shit.

Dont you mean?

that Fuckin’ woman is crazy.

No, sir. I meant exactly what I said. haha

Hell hath no fury like…A crazy fuckin’ bitch.:nuts:

lol… stupid women and the there crazy emotions