Guys who have demodded to sell the car inside

Just wondering if you think it was worth the trouble? Did you make much more then you would have selling it complete? Do you cry inside at all tearing apart the car you worked so hard to build? Would you do it again? Thanks

I wish I would have taken the eclipse sound system and amps out of my truck before I sold it.

As for performance parts, I sold my supercharged 96 tbird for a few more grand than I paid for it, and I drove it for two years.

Depends what kind of buyer is buying it. A person really into the car or that type of car will pay top dollar for one thats worked over nicely.

i wish i would have taken the brake kit off my maxima…i could have used many of the parts on my spec v…but i think if i would have taken everything off i would have made some money but i dunno if it would be enough to make up for all the labor

you will be able to sell your car to a bigger market if you take mods off. and there is the potential to see more money.

If i decide to sell my car i think i could get about 13-14k for the car stock. I could probably sell all of my mods for 3-4k QUICK. If i hold out for a seller who really wants this type of car i think i would get about the same. Basically taking it apart i think would take alot of time but the sale would be much quicker.

YARGH you posted this as i was typing.

hahaha nice.

Take it apart. Unmolested car sells quicker, plus parts are worth more off the car than on it by a long shot.


I haven’t yet, but will be in spring when I sell the SHO. The current motor will be coming out for a stock 3.0LSHO motor. I have a project in mind and have too much$$ into the motor to let it go with the rest of the car.

ugh at this point in time, i would never want to put my car back to stock. i would just eat it and take the hit

Wanna sell your car?

X… :lol:

no evo’s for you!

demod. Ive made more on cars then there worth/paid for them.

ill buy some parts

When i sold my last car, demodding it would have been such a pain in the ass… if you find the right guy that wants the car for the performance, you dont come out very bad at all

ive done it before.

most cars are worth more in parts anyways.

its just a shame, expecially if u took a car that was nothing, put it together til it was complete, then had to take iot all apart again.

It pains me but i think its going to happen. But im going to race it all next season then take it apart and sell it. I might even trade the car in once it is back to stock form.

I almost did it. You will get more stripping and selling the parts separate then selling someone your complete project. I’m glad I didn’t go through with it…I would of cried long time. I know a lot of people who sold all there shit and regret every doing it. I’m glad I didn’t make that list…go broke or go home …in our fast cars lol

would HAVE, fuckin’ dick :slight_smile:

its just a pain in the balls process.

“omg bro, if i only had the money”
“dude if this was like a month later, i swear”
“sweet man, GLWS”
“what i would do for this, noooo”

that x the amount of parts you are selling. plus shipping

HAHAHAHA you are right but i would sell the parts off cheap and probably trade the car in or sel it cheap as well. I would probably only get 2-3k more max for my car letting it go modded. I could put it back to stock in one weekend.