Guys with cars put away for the winter....

meh month or two probably

sense the first snow, I’ve been saying second week of april.
so the end of the second week of april it is.

soon, mid april

Both cars stay on the road year round. I’m too lazy to cancel insurance and then have to re-register the cars every spring.

Do you guys does this just because of salt scratching the paint or the snow rotting the metal too?


Seriously, there is so much going on in the Spring with Onyx Syndicate that I won’t be able to even think about it until then.


You know, most insurance companys will let you drop collision on a stored car for up to 6 months… you don’t have to turn in your plates. Your laziness is costing you a decent amount of $$ :slight_smile:

rust sucks, ever work on a car from the south and notice how much easier things are just for that one reason? :stuck_out_tongue: that and i’m sure some people wouldn’t really be going much of anywhere in the snow with the kinda power they are putting down lol

Always on the road, had the nova out last warm day.

Ugh That sux, does it need work done or do you just not want to have to deal with it till your scedule is free…or more free lol

Always on the road as well and depends on the car.If I know I’m going to get rid of it in a couple of years I won’t wait too long.If it is something rare a keeper.At least a few good rainstorms after the last salt.

I need to do a few maint. items, But I won’t have time until spring. I’ve got a DVD to get out and several events to plan :tup:

Well GL sir

Soon as possible.
Car is fully insured and plated

i never take my insurance off or turn in the plates…that way, when we get a beautiful day like this past monday i’m free to take it out for a spin…

but i shouldn’t have with the boost leak, coolant leak, and power steering fluid leak lol…

i hope to have all those fixed though by maybe april, mid april…depends on weather, i dont have a garage to work in, and i’m not working outside in anything under 40 or 35 degrees…

Andy it is time to sell

because some 15 year old rubber hoses are cracking? how so? there’s less than $100 worth of repairs that need to be done lol, and that includes the new (technically used) power steering pump i have on the way…

I’ve got a few gen maintence thing to do before the car is being driven, then I just got to throw the suspension setup togeather some time before track day

Lets just say my insurance is around the same it would cost me to re-register the cars every year and both of them are fully covered. I love classic car insurance.

im putting mine back on the road march 15 which is this saturday coming up
but im only driving it when it is not salty or a blizzard out
but with it being buffalo you never know

Car’s technically on the road as of a month ago as I had to do some plate transfers but it won’t see the road until the salt is gone. That’s usually in the beginning of April but who knows…