Gymkhana @ Beaver Run

Line up against your competitor and race to be the first one finished! Combining Auto X, Drifing, and Drag Racing comes BR Gymkhana. Two mirrored courses will be setup for the competitors to race to finish first! Different from Auto X main scoring (time), Gymkhana takes it to a new level. Come and see what all of the buzz is about! BR Gymkhana! A little background on Gymkhana ( (taken from Gymkhana USA, let’s give credit) Gymkhana is primarily done on an open paved field or parking lot. The course is laid out with cones in key points to navigate to. The obstacle will often consist of slaloms, 180 degree turns, 360 degree turns, figure 8s, and some time parking boxes. The drivers goals is the get through the course and fast a possible with the least amount of mistakes. Gymkhana requires strong mental concentration and memorizing of the track, where you have to go and do next. The driver will use many techniques to effectively go through a course. Acceleration, braking, drifting & grip driving are all necessary for Gymkhana. Widely popular internationally, in Europe, Malaysia, Australia, and Japan.
2009 Gymkhana Schedule

April 15
April 29

May 13

June 3
June 17

July 18*
July 29

August 12
August 26

September 9
September 19

September 23

October 7
October 21

Gymkhana is one of those things that i can imagine being painful to watch unless you are watching pros.

Wheres the video of the bodykitted accord or whatever fwd pos it was doing the gymkhana all sorts of wrong?

Probably a ton more fun than it looks. Another sport that so many would try, realize they suck at it at first, and probably just call it gay and never do it again. :roll:
Super technical though and good car control, I’d like to try it.

+1, though not in my pig of a GTO. A mini with a great hand brake sure!

god damn a warranty will come in handy when i tear up all of my drivetrain monthly trying to do this :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm…I wonder how the rally truck would do…