Gymkhana!!! Honda owners just dont know when to quit!!

Well picked up this vid on another forum
Thought it was kind of funny, try and count how many times he scrapes.
Anyways take a look and post your opinions!!!

HAHAHAHAH whats with the helmet? just incase he drifts too wide and slams into a pilon at 5kph
that guy was stir fry to the max

Yah but spillner he was making up for it coming out of the cones by giving it some rev and dumping the clutch!!

How many times did u see the front bumper scrape

Or how many times u see those cut springs bounce up and down like a slinky

Just watching that pissed me off

I think he hit 25 seperate times. thats funny, that course is not ment for a fwd.

That’s pretty funny.

This must have been the slowest gymkhana I have ever seen.

best part of thw whole vid ws when the r32 slinks by

haha, I completely agree, when I saw it, it made me smile :slight_smile:

lol the guy red flagged the R32 because it would catch the super ricer

lol, he had to reverse, thats pathetic.

did you see him trying to E-Brake? Lol like AFTER the turn is over. Nice work champ.

“Race Car”

and here is how it SHOULD look on the same course

f.u cal i was gonna post som’n like that too. hehehe a “how it should be done” vid :smiley:

screw it, here’s an RP13

Check these ones out, even more skill.

Hahaha nice, Axle. I was lookin for that mini one actually… but I couldn’t find it. It boggles the mind.

thats just depressing, i’ll never ever be able to do that :frowning:

I think anyone should be able to do that if they actually drive their car, gymkhana consists of very basic maneuvers. But I’m not going to object, I guess you can drive as well as you can make videos…


I think anyone should be able to do that if they actually drive their car, gymkhana consists of very basic maneuvers. But I’m not going to object, I guess you can drive as well as you can make videos…[/quote]

burnnnn, I agree.

That’s a crazy hachi… I know I can’t do that, but I drive FWD for now, lemme get back to you when the S13 comes out of the garage.