H2 > Liberty (v. crash)

Saw this yesterday on Transit at Klein. I guess there was another accident on the other side of transit first and the Liberty driver must have been staring at that while plowing into the H2. Both the H2 and the Liberty were there when I went past, but by the time I left Consumers the H2 had driven away. From what I saw it had basically no damage. Can’t say the same for the Liberty. Sorry for the quality, snapped no look with my phone while driving past.




I think the stupid ball on the end of the antenna was the root cause.

:lol: that brings only one thing to my mind… was a woman driving?

well that sucks

Damn I don’t see that just “buffing out”

good, 2 more of these shitty vehicles off the road

yeah. i hate the jeep liberty. meh.

  • a billion.

metal > plastic

looks likethey just had the windshield replaced…

First time I took the wife’s offroad, I cracked the windshield… weaksauce.