had a bad day with the jeep....

so i had PT today, and im in my little PT shorts… so as im driving down the highway, this other 4 dr jeep filled with girls comes up beside me… they wave, give a thumbs up and drive on. im thinking alright, so this is what its really like… im going to have a great summer…

well they start taking their hands out the top and waving around and messing around… so i speed up, get beside them and put my foot out the door as if im running… well thats when the wind blew my pt shorts up at 70 mph and showed all the cash n prizes

there was no warning so to say, there was no recourse… it just happend… it was so awkward, i coudlnt even look at them anymore, i had no clue if they liked what they saw, or not, i just needed to get the eff outa there. this all happend as im passing the alamo dome, and thank god, i found traffic coming up to the i35 interchange.

i still love my jeep, just gotta tuck the balls next time i try to act like billy badass


:frowning: lol

so i take it they didnt like what they saw?

ya know, i dunno, i never saw their reaction, i just know we got lost in traffic… knowing my luck, ill see them again, cause theyll def recognize me with my yellow jeep

hahahaha great story

you should asked them for a :tup: or :tdown: if they give you the good one you follow…should of acted like you did it on purpose!

LMFAO!!! Thanks man, I needed a good laugh at the end of the work day.

cash and prizes… nice

yea nice one dane!

Could have easily played it off and rolled with it. At least to see what their reaction was.

Good story, though. lol :tup:

haha that’s never happened to me and i wear shorts in my jeep door-less all the time. I usually keep my left foot on my rocker guard if im not shifting too


haha that is awesome

boxer briefs.

Psssh Air Force Guys!, Ha im jp

sounds like a good pickup line to me?

I think it just threw me off cause it was so quick. Not saying I’m going to have my nuts out on every drive but I’ll roll with it better if it happens again

DUDE. That’s grounds for some boobies. Funny story

i did this all last summer until i took a stone to the shin. i thought i broke my leg. now its arms and legs inside the ride at all times