Had a party at my house

for my buddy leaving for the airforce.

Made this killar vid of us and posted it on the web so that everyone can see how awesome we are. I know I will have my PM box full after this of people begging to be friends with me so you can be in sweet videos and sing counting crows songs with us…but there is NO vacancy at the inn.

Unless our departing buddy gets shot down in aerial combat…then we will have room for a lucky soul.

Anyway…enjoy my rockin video


Hater :frowning:

biggest thread failure of 2008

Why because you werent invited and you are jealous of my sweet friends and our perfect rendition of Mr. Jones.

Or really…should I share the IM conversation about how you are jealous of the girls I hang out with???

you’re only kidding yourself…

Do they like me for my $?

Meh, two Q’s

is that one dude



He could be :gotme:

I have no newds…just a kickass video to remember the times which is better than newds.

Sorry man looks like that party blew.

Party was rad…had to be there

Also…I forgot to mention CaviMike and Just Karter were there.


Just fucking wit ya, love when everyone is wasted and just going with the flow. Video is a little gay though, should keep some things private. Unless you have tit shots?

I dont know…I was kinda having a low self esteem day and thought that posting videos of me and my friends on the internet for everyone to see how awesome we are would make everyone wanna be friends with me and give me a little bit of an ego boost.


Sorry Jeg…I would have invited you but you have been a real downer lately and as you can see it was an awesome fun time and I couldnt run the risk of you spoiling it by being all depressed.

Wow you are really defending your party, we probably should have been there though.

If any of you were real americans and supported the armed services you are damn right you should have been there to support those that support this country!

