carless and focusinprogress are cool people.

just so you know.
everyone should hang out with them. it’s a good time, trust me.

ps. i have bruises all over my body.
pps. i found my phone.
ppps. there’s someone else’s blood on my jeans.


no nudes no care


Yeah, they are cool though. :tup:

of them, not you

damn got 3somed !


yes, they are cool to hang out with


Oh god this thread got out of hand quickly.

The pictures arn’t loading for me.

she forgot where they put her phone after it got put on vibrate lol

DAWN that is so my blood lol fun time last night…


I’m here for the gangbang.

pics vids and story of 3sum NOW

i’m here to video tape the gangbang.

No joining in?

nope, cause the hottest girl involved in a gangbang is always the one videotaping …

if your lucky youll occasionaly get a shot of said hot camera girl playing with herself as she films

:bloated: thats fucked up.

Last night was a good time. I had kevin call you to see if you had your phone. Where was it?? All that shit that went down was soo fuckin stupid and Im kinda pissed about how it was handled but hey shit happens. Dawn your super chill and you should come hang out with us. You have Kevins number so just give him a call.

Was there a fight?

If so, I wish I had been there…