Had to take a pic

LOLLL memories

Who the f#ck makes fun of someones misfortune,come on man are you in f#ckin high school or some shit!!.
Wouldn’t be funny if it was your shit eh!

Actually the reason people are making fun of the ‘claw’ is that they were some losers stealing a car (if i recall) and doing stupid stuff then getting caught and posted all over the internatz

the claw.
i wish i bid on that hat. looks so baller.

oh and the claw took a skyline for a “testdrive” and took off?

BC right?

lol a short lived test drive to prison. So what’s up with this guy? Is he still in jail?


Well if he’s a car theft then F#ck him man,I hate theives,but who doesn’t

LOL, what a fuckin loser.

Rooooofl @ all of the above

impactspoon looks like your thumb was broken and dislocated in that pic dude lol wtf

I took the picture, and was laughing when I took it too… Me + Photography = FAIL lol. If your commenting on the scar on my thumb, that came from a work related incident (HVAC) which ended with a knife going 2 1/2" into my thumb.

lol let me guess Pizza Pizza ?!^^^^


That’s awsome!!

:stuck_out_tongue: the claw

Dammit, Gonrad beat me to it… I was just about to post that :smiley:
Fuck my time zone.

No idea how to embed video, but here is said owner of ‘the claw’:

^lmao…lobster claw bandit!
