3 fingered skyline thief nabbed by internet effort

Coles notes:

- New member regretfully posts that his car has been stolen by someone with a fake ID that took a permanent test drive. Describes vehicle and thief. - Thief encounters another forum member at Chinook mall, member recognizes stolen vehicle as described in this post. Snaps pictures, posts on beyond. Even in a city of 1 million people, thief is spotted within hours due to internet exposure - Thief is found on facebook using said pictures, recognized by multiple members - Full name, address, and workplace is found via facebook - Multiple forum members drive to known address at 2:30am, car is parked outside. Dude peeks out the window, sees posse, gets scared. - Car disappears at some point. - Another member drives by later, finds car. Boxes car in, calls cops, calls rightful owner - Hilarity ensues - Cops show up 2 hours later, pictures and youtube video posted of stolen car, and Dr. Claw the fail car thief getting arrested - Car is now safe at home, back up for sale, with a new test drive policy. Bonus: Thief leaves $22 in change, and a shitty wanksta hat.http://forums.beyond.ca/showthread.php?threadid=212943&perpage=40&highlight=&pagenumber=1

(hopefully this isnt a repost!)



there is a 4 page thread on this.

which i made :stuck_out_tongue:


F you! LOL First post I ever make. Damn you all. Mods please delete and I will search for aaron’s post .



Good effort. Not the worst repost I’ve ever seen

YouTube videos and pics or ban.

^ go the original thread

Update your first post.

NO… search!