Forums : Retrieving one stolen car at a time.


Be amazed

Waaaaaay too much reading. Aside from dudebro got his stang stolen, then got it back, cliffs?

^^ page 10 and 11 get to the end of the story

and wow.

Awesome…But if it ever happens to me, please no one look for it! lol

reading reading reading. pretty amazing so far…

I read most of it, basically a guy steals this car out of his garage and joyrides it around at night racing and such. Its spotted several times, but the 400rwhp stang is not easy to catch. Ends up getting spotted again by fuel slut guys who attempt to block him in when the car is parked. He rams his way out of the spot, but ditches the car shortly afterward. They dont catch the thief, but I didnt read the whole thread.

Unfortunately most thiefs dont steal cars to joyride around town in, this guys a idiot.

Get comfy, this’ll take a few…

We first got the word on on Wednesday morning. I spotted the car Wednesday night racing bikes up 436 in Orange County. I followed it and got the Sheriff’s Office on the phone, but the dispatcher was more interested in repeatedly asking me how I knew the car was stolen than in getting units to our location. They handed me over to Seminole County when I crossed their line. The driver realized that I was following him as soon as the bikes disappeared, and dove into the China Buffet parking lot. I went in the far end and waited until he rolled up to me, and asked him for a run to stall for some time. He panicked and bolted, so I picked the phone back up and kept giving out cross streets as I gained on him. The guy was running well over 100mph passing the Altamonte Mall. Seminole County SO and Altamonte PD were popping up on 436 by that time but hadn’t gotten up to speed, so I stayed on him until he passed two units on the I-4 overpass then backed out. He led them up a side street, flipped a U-turn and crossed 436 to get onto I-4 West, then buried the throttle. The cops were far behind at that point, so I attempted to regain sight of the car. When the two cruisers turned off at the Maitland interchange, I followed them thinking that they were still on him. They’d broken off.

Thursday night at 11:15pm, a friend called me from his cab. He’d spotted the Bullitt on I-4 West approaching Sand Lake Rd. I got dressed and jumped into my car as they weren’t far from me, and called 911. The dispatcher got annoyed at me relaying info from one phone to another, so she told me to have him call her directly. That left me with no way of contacting him to find out his exact location, so I couldn’t find the car. The driver noticed my friend pacing him on his cell phone and ran. Last sighting was in the area of I-4 and Osceola Parkway.

Saturday night, a bunch of us had stopped at the Chevron at Int’l Drive and Kirkman Rd. Someone told me that my brakes were sparking, so I went to leave to pick up some pads and swap them out. While we were standing by my car, my friend Dave was facing the road and said, “Hey, isn’t that the Bullitt?” The car had rolled right up to the intersection. When it crossed I-Drive, we all jumped into our cars and followed. The driver turned into a strip mall and pulled up in front of a Latin nightspot. We sent cars into the narrow lot from both directions and blocked him in, with my Cobra right behind him. He had finally removed the owner’s tag and replaced it with a temporary tag, and the Steeda badge was missing from the car but multiple other features unique to this Bullitt gave the car away. When I walked up to the window and asked him where he got the car from, he mumbled something and started to reverse. I told him to stop because my car was behind him. He did. While I got on the phone with Deputy Davis, he started to reverse again. I yelled at him to stop. He did, then threw the car into gear and drove forward into Trevor’s WRX, smoking the tires while trying to push the Subaru out of the way. The car pivoted against the Subaru’s front bumper, then he reversed, flooring the car into Sean’s Camaro which was next to my car. The windows were up and the doors were locked as two of us went to pull him out of the car. He bashed back and forth against the two cars, fortunately not causing much damage as he was too hard on the throttle to gain any useful traction or momentum.

He did finally manage to push Trevor’s car out of the way enough to slip past it with two wheels over the curb, and sideswiped a new Mercedes GL450 that was pulling in as he left the lot. It took a few seconds for everyone to get their heads back on straight and go after him. I could hear the car accelerating down Municipal behind the nightclub. A couple of minutes later, I got a call from John, who found two Hispanic males walking up Municipal toward the nightclub. I met up with him and ID’ed one of them as the driver, and told that to Deputy Davis on the phone. He relayed my info and location to responding cars, and stayed on with me as the driver and his passenger got into a 4-door Mercedes that came to get them. We followed the Mercedes onto I-4 at a distance until a deputy waiting at the John Young onramp fell in with us. I confirmed the vehicle to him through Deputy Davis. Before he could light them up, the Watch Commander interrupted and told them to break off, reportedly over some jurisdictional BS. WTF?

I asked Mark to try to find the car. We located it in the business park about a mile away from where we’d made contact with the driver. The doors were locked and no keys were visible. OPD arrived and took statements from many of us. While they were still there, the Mercedes came through the courtyard. This jackass was trying to come back for the car!! They ran before OPD could get out of the courtyard to go after them. I made sure that they had the vehicle’s tag number to follow up on.

The teamwork on this was unbelievable. Deputy Davis is owed thanks despite the powers-that-be negating his contribution. The guys have responded with donations to help Trevor repair his car, which is awesome in itself. This is a fantastic example of how members of the car enthusiast community can come together to get things done.



I didn’t read up to pages 30+, did they ever catch the thief?

reminds me of Mike and his GTP

Camaro SS and Impreza WRX drivers block in the Bullitt 'Stang and end up being crashed into trying to escape. Thieves run and are picked up by a Mercedes, currently at large.

I love reading stuff like this. :tup:

woah, thats nuts… hopefully they find the guy that stole it

I can’t ge tthe link to work for me for some reason

Amazing how word gets out and people flock to sites.

Just like the hit and run incident a couple months back.

damnn, that guy had some balls to ram those cars tho.

Car in question

I hope they set the thief on fire