Arrest in Stolen Cop Car Case

Arrest in Stolen Cop Car Case

Buffalo police, along with the Erie County Sheriff’s Department and other other agencies, have combined to make an arrest involving a stolen Buffalo police car. Scott Caldiero, 19, of Douglas Lane in the town of Boston is charged with criminal possession of stolen property, grand larceny, unauthorized use of a vehicle and computer trespassing.

Police previously reported the vehicle - a marked 2008 Ford Crown Victoria - was parked out in front of Buffalo Police Headquarters at 74 Franklin St., just after 3am on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25th, when the vehicle was stolen. With the assistance of other police agencies, the cruiser was located later that morning, around 5:00 in the Colden, NY area. The vehicle was recovered in burned out condition.

“An attentive D District Police Officer - Jay Reuther - was able to develop information regarding the stolen vehicle that eventually led to Caldiero as a suspect,” according to Dennis J. Richards, chief of detectives. "Reuther and arson investigators were able to ascertain important information in the theft and arson investigation, " Richards added.

Caldiero was located and questioned by sheriff’s investigators and Buffalo police. He was charged by Det. Sergeant Sherry Kiszewski of the General Investigation Unit and Det. Gary Chwojdak of the Auto Theft Squad. Buffalo police were assisted by sheriff’s detectives Steven Meerboth and Kevin Mahoney in the investigation leading up to the arrest, as well as Buffalo Fire Marshalls Ed Ortiz and George Arthur.


Great idea. The first thing that popped into my head was the movie New Jersey Drive haha. Anyone seen it?

dont they have tracking units in these things?


even if they do, he ditched the car.

IDK how the hell the caught him… but he represents my home town of Boston,NY very well

I personally thing this is the ballziest thing ever.

How the hell did he get it all the way to Colden without getting caught? They must not have noticed it missing for a while for him to get away with it until now.

wish I had marbles like that

I would assume he did something stupid like running his name and friends names through the computer in the car ect.

Doubt it considering it took this long. Probably something stupid like running his mouth bragging about it.

If only the police put this much effort into tracking down the people who stole non-police cars.


Or to trying to clean-up the city crime wise… :beer: hears to red light camera’s and more democrats fucking the city over

sigh I know not exactly related but still…

I know this kid lol. hes insane

Stolen from in front of police headquarters. ballsy for sure.

i have nothing else to add