Stolen Lexus Sc400

Well last night my buddy had his car stolen from the southside while he was out barhopping. There aren’t a whole lot of them around so if anyone spots it contact the po-po it is a pearl white sc400 with a one of a kind 1st try exhaust. trust me you’ll know it when you hear it . trying to come up with some pics . will keep you all posted.

damm so little guido got his shit jacked? where was it parked final time he seen it?

Was it the one that was at the stadiums?

YES, not 3 hours after the statiums it was stolen from south side


My number is 4129696389
if you see my sc give me and the po’s a call thanks

Thanks Joe

And thanls you guys

damn sean that sucks hopefully someone finds it.

ya i might not need those cats after all

Use this too search entire craigslist. Leave the State blank

I work in Station Square and am in SS alot, I’ll keep an eye out.

Sorry, if I see it around I’ll be sure to call you.

hope they find your wip sean but i will def keep a look out for it

Need to find that damn thing we gotta race

ahh thats terrible :frowning:

On a side note, I did not know that was your car jeff did that exhaust for and put the headers on… that thing sounds wicked… hope you get it back safe.

$5 says recovered in east pgh. Cheap taxi.
$10 says he was so drunk forgot where he parked it.
$15 says it was stolen which is a good thing. $3000 DUI or worse > stolen car
$20 says took a trip off mt.washington, Because a car off the mount would be cool to see, Youtube video +1

wow that sucks…ill keep an eye out

Start watching the news for robberies, too. My boss has his Jeep stolen a few months ago and it showed up a couple weeks later. Turns out it was used to go through those glass doors at that jewelry store that was robbed.

My buddies civic was just stolen last night from brookline…wtf. Sorry to hear man, hope you get it back