not as good as the stolen car thread, but not over yet...

Cliffs: dude tries to sell his bike, gets scammed, calls internet buds for some help. Internet forum help locates said criminal, now waiting outcome… this is in Iowa btw

that was quick. thats some balls using your real name.

That’s awesome, hopefully this ends well for the seller.

Guy seems like a racist prick. I hope they put him in jail and bubba has his way with him.

lol that is awesome, should move to OT or something so everyone can see it.
I only saw this… by accident i think actually.
not everyone reads bikes! :stuck_out_tongue:

the claw strikes again?

How could you be smart enough to get away with this but be dumb enough to use your own name?

^^ Great question.

Well…he should have let the check clear before giving him the keys. But it’s awesome that his contacts on various forums are kicking ass for him.

he lucked out

It’s good that their probably going to get the guy, but god damn. Think of how much of your own information is out there between myspace and facebook. Finding your relatives, addresses ect. insane.

Think about what you could do with someone’s ip if you knew someone who worked for an ISP. He would have had the info already just by calling up a friend who works for them.
