HAHA BMW Vs Audi Vs Subaru



thats sweet

Subarus ftw.

Subaru definately wins the cheap and ugly awards against Audi & BMW.

haha thats awesome

Funny but the only award that really meant something was audi’s lemans record.

this thread pretty much sums up the real players in the world market… at least in my eyes.

Congratulations Subaru from Citroën… 2005 WRC manufacturer’s champion, and on the way to doing it again in 2006… :stuck_out_tongue:

A bit large, but I figure it’ll get the point across :wink:

There was a Porsche ad that pointed out that the Porsche 911 has won more races than ALL OF ITS COMPETITION COMBINED.

Porsche is ridiculous lol

That’s just wishful thinking.


that’s funny

I hate to say it but subaru is doomed in wrc until the car gets the overhaul they have been talking about.

When is the Impreza getting redone?

Thats pretty funny. Subaru is cool.

2008, supposedly a bit shorter wheelbase.

Is that what will help it in WRC?

I’m no expert but that seems to be the difference between the cars that are doing well consistantly and the cars that aren’t


is that real? i remember someone saying it was a p shop