HAHA! I just fired someone!

one of the russian girls just came up to the lobby to use the internet. She mentioned to me that the security guard was sitting back with them in their house, off the property, getting drunk with them and partying. Stupid little cocksucker. He knows hes on my shit list too. He was even bragging about how he turned off his radio to them, which is why he wasnt answering on the last the 3 noise complaints I got. So I walked out there, took his radio and shit off him, told himm he;s fucking fired and he just laughed. So I came back in and called his boss (we contract out through a local company), who should be arriving any moment.


haha, sucks to be that guy…from the job point of view


well, his boss came, we both walked back. He’s still sitting in there drinking. He has his pregnant girlfriend of 8 months driving around in his car to make it look like he’s working. His boss tells him to get the fuck out of the house. He comes out and tried to say he wasnt drinking. So i was like “bullshit asshole” and he gets up in my face like hes gonna do something. His boss, who is like 6’3, 300+ grabs him by the neck and tosses him on the ground. then he goes over and straight up reips the uniform right off him. Then we flag down his girlfriend, and tell them both to get the fuck off the property and if they show their faces again they’re going to jail.


so awesome. I was SOOOO hoping that he was gonna shove me so that I could lay him out! He was crying like a little bitch about he got grabbed in the neck, and “so what if I had a beer, it aint hurtin nothin”.

:rofl: :owned:

:owned: :bigok:

i wish i could fire half the lazy fucks i work with

So he was out back doing your little Russian treat while you were mannning the desk??

nah, there prolly about 25 russian girls that live back there. mine was up here talking to me at the time.

the only thing is russian guys will fuck you up if something happens

just give them some hot soup and bread… :rofl:

it’s funny because they’re poor…

i got a good Russian friend in baltmore…they will fuck you up in a minute

i know.

russians are scary.

thats why you keep them as your friend and not enemy


the Russian guys ive met are all a bunch of pussies.

Rocky taught the russians not to fuck w/ us :kekegay:


in soviet russia, alcohol does you!


ivan drago will straight fuck u up mang…
