u all know "that drunk guy" rant

the guy who says the most rude things and thinks its ok because hes got a couple into me. well i work with one.

i leave work at330 today So i canget ready for our work xmas party. I wanted my gf to come because.1 i havent seen her in a couple days, and 2 i needed a dd. So we arrive there (we had it at garfields at the mkinnly mall) so iam pounding a few back having a good time when. The 60 yearold one eyed coworker i have screams. “wow joe ur girlfriends far to cute for u”. now ill let one slide. Then he tells everyone to shut up looks at my gf and goes"u have the priteist eyes ever. Now his wife standing there. These comments went on till about 3 beers later. Where i looked at him and said “listen cyclops ur old enough to be my gfs grandfather so shut ur fucking moulth b4 u really get me pissed” his wife tells me I am rude. Wtf ur going to hit on my gf and not expect me to get mad. So we get to the end of the night and the bill comes 300 bones(i was smart i got a seperate check). My boss set a 100 dollar bar tab. After that everyone was on there own. This asshole probably downed 65 bucks worth of booz between him and his wife and he throws 15 dollars down and leaves. I am sorry to rant but I hate stupid fucking people and this guy better have a nice apoligy for when i get to work tomorrow. ok iam done bitching

yo id be pissed too man

and LOL at cyclops, if you really called him that :tup:

side note, i went to sears and they said you didnt work there anymore? wtf

well in all honestly you should have been very discrete and threatened his life in far harsher words quietly in his ear. making a scene out in the open is trying to prove a point to everyone in the room IMHO …
besies were you really threatened by the 60 year old cyclops? was your gf offended by the compliments? did he put his hands on her at any point? were any of the comments rude or off color?
you probly should just relax and be a little more secure in your relationship.

just my $.02

well with one eye it would be hard for him to hit you, he cant judge distance.


i just had my work party and my women was swinging with the CEO on the dance floor, i was cheering her on.

it all comes down to HOW the fliting is done realy, and i think cyclops using the “wow joe ur girlfriends far to cute for u” realy sets the tone for how he was acting. There are FAR nicer ways to say the same general thing (no offense joe)

honestly, those kind of comments should only be between friends anyways

and alot of times the easiest way to shut someone up is to scream louder, ive done it before to people much biger then me, and it can be the best way to shut someone up

at the family / wedding party dinner for my older brothers wedding, one of his friends spent the entire 3 or 4 hours hitting on my sister and her gf. he was hitting on them at the church, and then at the reception afterwards

the dirtiest things ive heard said in front of anyones parents came out of his mouth those 2 days, and noone got offended cause he was

A) smooth about it
B) funny about it

but be blatant and crass will piss anyone off…

it was more so it bothered my gf. she asked him to stop 4 different times. i work at mckinnley now sure shot. well today the 60 year old called off. one kid quit and my boss is mia. happy holidays iam going to be here till 11 tonight

Wow Joe, I’m understanding too much of what you type these days…go back to less punctuation and more mis-spelled words.

if i had one eye, i would probably think your GF was pretty too…

EDIT: :stuck_out_tongue:

wow that was useful

i cant believe i spelled “eye” as “i”

what the fuck was i thinking…

vi couldnt tell yah

you suck at spelling and punctuation

LOL. I just let it roll, my GF is far too good for me, I know it, what can you do. I get this kind of shit all the time. To me it is just a compliment, it takes a few years for that kind of thing to set in.

Cyclops comment = winner. Nice one man :tup: