so ui tryed to be a nice guy tonight

me and my co worker got tanked in canada and a girl from another store called us said she was stranded on chippewa so bsp tc drive us there in my car on my gas. we pick her she immediatly calls me a fat shit. iam like wow sorry for bein nice
then we drive down deleware and she jumps out of the car. so we say fuck it leave the bitch. so then my concions kicks in and i make her get back in the car. i call her sister to pick her up and what does she say. i hope u die joe. i guess i should never try bein nice bein a asshole works so much better.

drunken post… awesome.


wasting good deeds on bitches for whatever reason is the equivalent to throwing your money down a well.

+1 for me having a hand in badazzss’s drunkenness… but seriously i’m sober and fuck the cunt. she isn’t good enough to be my cum dumpster

Ok, every response has def. been awesome so far. I’ll keep it for you Joe.

That whore cunt slam-pig needs to die slowly.

Ok, next.

I hate people. And they wonder why nice people don’t exist anymore.

what a cock loving thunder cunt


sorry joe. dumb bitch.

wow despite being polite, when she called you fat, etc. after you being nice. when she got out i woulda told her to stfu and enjoy walking home…bia


being nice doesn’t attract women

pics of the hog?

work? what the fuck is work? I don’t work today, because I don’t work anyday.

I’m glad I wasn’t there, cuz I woulda punched the bitch

She seemed to make everyone cranky, me included, and I didn’t even come in contact with her.

mistake 1 was bothering to go pick them up.

always have an excuse ready to not get dragged into doing that shit.

Kevin716 is great at dealing with bitches like that…

and i quote “yeah!..well i hope you get herpes!!!”


Truth LOL

Pics of chick…if she isnt at least a 7.5 sober she isnt worth the trip.

I would never go that far for a girl unless I was assured of atleast a beej

she indeed is 7.5 but she is still a dirty cunt

dirty cunt status shaves atlesat 1/2 point off her total value :stuck_out_tongue: Making her not worth it.