so ui tryed to be a nice guy tonight

Yeah I know the feeling, I am one of them genuinly nice guys that will give a stranger the shirt off my back kinda thing…but I get fucked over by it quite a bit. :tdown:. Although I am a nice guy, I also don’t takse shit from people, I would have theft the bitch and told her to suck someone off for a ride.

i think she made me opunch something i was so angry becaus my hand is killing me today

i would have just said “sorry cant get you ive been drinking” simple as that, hassle solved

i woulda dropped the bitch off in the middle of a fucking swamp

being nice to ppl that dont appreciate it turned me into an asshole(well not really an ass i just dont care anymore)

fuck em

well if i knew she was bein a dirty whore before we went and got her do u think i would go?

hmm…just out of courousity, what was this girls first name?

i woulda took her to canada a lil into st.cath and dropped her off on a side street… she should DIAF

Shoulda found a bunch of thugs, and pimped her. A bunch of thugs woulda lovvved to have a fieldday with that bitchy twat.


Fantastic quote there.

lol @ this story.

why did she call you a fat shit? you must have done something…

fatty fat fat fat.

Newman, It might have been over his spelling.

I followed most of the story, but stood there looking at bsp tc for a few minutes, and I still cannot figure out WTF you were trying to say there.

Just noticed this thread, i would have dropped her off at the closest dark bike/jogging path with guys with mustaches all over it.

Ahhh, thank you. i haven’t been around here much lately, so I just thought it was Nitro pounding on the keyboard again like usual.