wow i do stupid stuff sometimes

so the coffiee truck comes in today and normally the girl isnt talkitive.(i think she hates me i dont know why) so i get my 1.25 hot chocalate. i give her 2 dollars and shes gives me the weirdest look. i gave her the weird look back. i then walk back up front. i realized instead of 2 dollars i gave her 11. iam a little pissed at myself. thats the most expensive hot chocalate i ever bought. ok iam done

lol, I have done that before too…but it was at wendy’s

Ask her out! Have her buy you dinner then dump her. Now the hot chocolate was worth it!

I was at a club…$1 coat check, I gave them a $10. ouch

Well, the lady is a whore for not giving any changee back.

Also, not only can’t you spell, you can’t read either, must suck.

had that happen through a toll booth. 1.10 toll…i gave them a 10 and he gave me back 4 bucks and some change.


and you cant turn around or nothing.

those bitches make mad loot.

i always give her the change of my 2 dollars.although she reall doesnt deserve it.


:rofl: That was funny the way you said that…

Once I was on a business trip in Canada and I was a really nice hotel.
The bellboy helped me to my room with my bags and I suddenly realized he was going to need a tip.
I had several $20’s and a single $1.

The dilema…do I be a cheap douche and give him a buck for his troubles or do I give him a twenty and be a hero??


hahhaha - I love reading Joe’s posts. he always makes me laugh.

what does she look like?

I’ve never overpaid anything. I remember when gas was close to a dollar and I got 15 bucks worth, paid with a 20, and the guy gave me a 20 as change. It didn’t dawn on me until later when I had the same amount of money I started the day with.

Joe, you won’t even buy me a fucking beer but you tip this bitch 10 bucks. I fucking hate you.

Just ask for change, still be a hero, but not as big of one… a $5 is a great tip for them, so ask for $15!

Eh its done. I expensed it anyway.

Haha I have done the same thing too Jay. We are pretty awesome. (or dumb)

the one time i was making a snackbar run for me and some friends. i grabbed like $9 worth of stuff, paid with a $20, and got the 20 back along with two 5’s and a dollar back as change

one of the staff members kept interupting her while she was making my change and she screwed up. lol

walked in w/ 20, walked out with 40 (if you count the food)


LOL, did the same thing. I wanted to turn around so bad and beat his ass.