i am the king of stupid

timmy hoes drive thru this morning i handed the guy 10.35 not 1.35 for my coffee… and drove away.

i just noticed when i opened my wallet to buy a pepsi



i STILL :heart: U, :slight_smile:


dude, you gave him a 600% tip? LOL Nice!

Guess you were in a hurry? :gotme:

hehehe go back tomorrow morning saying that you prepaid for next week.

not really (im never in a hurry to get to work). i just didnt start drinking coffee yet, so i was a little “slow”.

And people complain about Starbucks prices…

thats like a week in gas for you… wasted.

I did that at dunkin doughnuts once…I actually went back like a dumbass, of course they didnt remember.


hell no they arent gonna remember … selective memory > you

i just wont drink coffee for 8 days

oh well

its ok, ballers that work at subway can afford to toss around bills here and there like it aint no thang, right?

he was probably wondering why you were in a civic and not a bentley

EDIT - :rofl: I just laughed that the rest was “exact change”


who works at subway?

it’s a simple mistake but it still made me LOL

sux tho

dude… you drive that red civic… you work at subway and will hook everyone up with mad discounts.

mmmm timmy hoes

uh, i do?

hrm… i’m kinda hungry. i wish i could hook myself up with a sub, but i am behind a desk, at my job… thats not subway :slight_smile:

:rofl: i forgot about that one

got me once, and my brother…