Ahh another night on Chippewa, v. Where has confidence gone?

So I’m out with the wifey tonight. We spent some time at Snooty Fox listening to our very own Darkstar mixing it up or whatever hip people call what DJ’s do :stuck_out_tongue: (Whatever he was doing it sounded good and kept everyone moving.)

Then we go down to Chippewa. Yeah yeah first mistake I know. So I park the truck on Delaware and stop to give my a kiss, my fucking wife, just getting a little lovin, and I open the door just in time for some fggt in a Saturn to yell “Pull your pants up scumbag!” as the car drove past. :wtf:

OK cool.

So 10 seconds later we cross the street and head towards Croc’s back door just in time for some dude in an F150 to get a little close to a group of guys walking down the sidewalk. So they start jawing at each other and the fggt in the F150 actually starts to get out of his truck while it’s halfway up the driveway, in drive, because some guys are saying some basic “watch it asshole” stuff.

The fuck? Why do all these insecure dickwads have something to prove? It kind of goes along with all the bandwagon hate you see on internet forums too. What’s the deal? Who cares? Shrug it off.

Where the hell has self confidence gone? Why does everyone feel the need to cut down everyone else or prove themselves to random strangers? Is this new? Have all generations been like this or are we really part of a generation of whiny insecure fuck offs?

people are retarded everywhere…

what time did you come thru?


But hey what do i know i preach self responsibility and being goal oriented etc. I just need to be made fun of…right.


James, I’m losing hope in our generation too. It’s something that’s gotten real bad in the last couple-few years even. I remember when I started college even (2002), things weren’t nearly as bad as they are now. I seriously blame the internet, I really do. People have lost their “filter” and think they’re untouchable.

Seems pretty much the norm for any bar scene. Add some boose, and that is usually the result. It’s just not something most people try and remember.

Who cares??

Don’t even pay attention to that shit…

chippewa is not worth the impending hassle.

Not going downtown > allen > aids > elmwood > chippewea

i love people like that, and the ones on internet forums that try to knock people down to make themselves feel good… i’m like “wow, i’m sooo much better then these people”

it’s a trip.


You really need to stick to classy places. Even if the drinks are a little more, atleast you don’t have to worry about:

  • Your car getting vandalized
  • Your car getting jacked
  • Gangbangers shooting each other
  • Homeless people begging for money
  • Homeless people begging for cigarettes
  • Watered down drinks
  • Hot heads

God, Buffalo is such a fucking dump. I don’t understand why anyone would willingly want to live there. Granted there are nice areas (Nice area =/ elmwood, chip, main, etc. etc.)

Is there something in the drinking water? Seems everyone has to compensate for there shortcomings. Ill just drive a big truck.


well put.

Now you see why I hate Buffalo. Its a ok city and it does have potential and there are good people here BUT the majority of what I see is what you described. I like to be out and about a lot. Dealing with these people and having many fucked up experiences has left a REALLY bad taste in my mouth and hence the attitude.

Thats not true. Its way more prevalent in Buffalo then Rochester, Pittsburgh, Philly, NYC, Miami, Toronto… just some of the few places I partied

IMPOSSIBLE if you have any self respect.
These people will come up to you and fuck with you. If you are out with a date or YOUR WIFE and
she is scared and uncomfortable you would just ignore that? Definitely not me.
Maybe these bums throw a drink at you or something else… thats not stuff you ignore. Better just to stay away.

Chippewa is truly an embarrassment to the city.

My sister’s in the army and was on chippewa a month or 2 ago with all her army buddies when they were in buffalo for a event.

A couple of drunken gotti’s tried hitting on her.

Her army friend dale 6’2" 240 wanted to step in but she wanted to handle it.

According to her, she grabbed him by the arm, pulled him into the bar and threw him onto the dance floor, they paid there tab and left.

They go to chippewa for the exitement, not for anything else.

Yeah… Around 10:30 to midnight or thereabouts. I was going to introduce myself but didn’t want to bother you while you were working.

Yeah, it’s nothing really. As mentioned there are retards everywhere.


Do you really see it more in Buffalo than elsewhere though? I guess you’ve already answered that, I just mean there’s gotta be idiots everywhere but do you really see more in Buffalo in general?
