NO PARKING on chippewa is such BULL SH#T

I turn from Delaware onto Chippewa and immediately see an open spot right at the end (green box). There is a meter (blue circles) for the spot. Above the meter there is a sign (green) indicating that i can indeed park there. Good enough for me I jump out. Lock up and bounce.

I come back to an officer putting a ticket on my car. Every other car in front of me (pink) also has a ticket.

I ask wtf is up? He said this is a no parking zone on thursday, friday and saturday. I ask him where this is indicated. He says there are signs posted everywhere. I ask him where they are… About 7 spaces up the street, tied to a TREE (brown circle), is a weatherbeaten sign that indicates this.

However, it is COMPLETELY unreadable from our location. I ask the officer if he can read it and he says NO. This thing is an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of paper that looks more like a FLYER for some shitty show. He then tells me that people often tear the signs down.

He then tells me to “just plead not guilty, but it’s just going to be a waste of your time.” I ask if he will give me a card or go on record indicating that the sign is NOT remotely visible from my location, and he says he will not. “I don’t make the laws, I just enforce them”

In the end, yeah, it’s only 35 dollars, but it’s the principle of the thing that is so fucked up. There is no indication on the METERS or PARKING HOURS SIGNS that indicate that this is a law. Just a few, small, poorly placed makeshift signs. For every one makeshift sign, there are at LEAST 4 or 5 standard PARKING HOURS signs.

Add in a rude cop and it really pisses me off.

It had to be racial profiling…

2 on your side that shit.

Further reasons on why I dislike going downtown at any point.

chippewa is gay

i concur. I don’t go down there to get drunk or pick up girls, but a friend of mine was spinning on the patio of luna/third room.

You can still park your bike on the street though.

Is that the corner Bada Bings is on? I was parked on Chipewa last night along with 40 other cars. Some huge Italian dude parked his Denali right on the corner in front of Bada Bings in the no parking area for like 30 minutes which would of been right behind your car.

my car was parked in front of SPOT COFFEE.

X 2


did he ask you if you were on weed?

Ahh I see, kitty corner from bada bing. None the less, I saw a lot of people parked illegally in no parking areas and they werent getting tickets. We were there from like 7-8pm so thats probably why.

toadily shwazted

this was definitely a legit spot, except for the shitty flyer tied to the tree about a tenth of a mile up the road.

I hate that “Ignorance to the law is no excuse” crap. :lol:

at least you didn’t get broken into on that corner.


if it was legitimately marked and i overlooked it, fine. my mistake. I suck up shit like that.

But this was total BS. If you’re going to temporarily override clearly visible signs, at least put the information ON or at least NEAR the sign that you are overriding.

I park in in my driveway and walk the block…
but moving Downtown I had to learn expensively about parking the laws are so gay… I know why living in a suburb is so much nicer…

yea if i go that way i always park in the animal hospital Lot. never been bothered or ever got a ticket doing that

take a few pictures of the area including the sign, go to court.

sounds shitty

u should document ur car location vs sign locations and conditions